Page 26 - The NOISE November 2015
P. 26

If you have ever had the experience of driving somewhere and having all green lights on the way to your destination, then you can easily catch the main vibe of this month. The first three weeks of November bring all green lights in the form of continuous favorable configurations of planets. The energy shifts towards the end of the month, similar to how when you are flowing through all green lights, you miss one and then you get stuck at every red light from then on. Even in this time of halts, sweet angles comingle with the challenging ones bringing a softening of the manifestations. So in the case of our car trip, at the end of the journey there may be some red lights, but the company or the scenery helps to make the awkwardness better. Even in the moments of most challenge, despair not! The way of the Spiritual Ninja is to welcome the challenges as a chance to further refine the practice and define the character.
The many aspects involving the sign of Scorpio or it’s ruler, Pluto, bring the theme of depth to this month and the numerous aspects involving the sign of Sagittarius or it’s ruler, Jupiter brings the co-theme of breadth.
** Note that often the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
November 2 — Venus in Virgo Conjunct Mars in Virgo — These two planets so want to be together! Their joining brings blissful potentials in the sign and houses they meet. One word of awareness about their connection in Virgo is
to redirect any manifestations of criticism of self and others.
November 5 — Sun in Scorpio Sextile Pluto in Capricorn — This is a time when great benefits come from going deep, sharing power through collaboration. A key word associated with this combo is Synergy.
November 10 — Mercury in Scorpio Sextile Pluto in Capricorn — This transit brings powerful and productive communication. Patient strategy yields best results.
November 11 — New Moon at 19 degrees of Scorpio — Time to make 10 New Moon wishes on the topics of all things Scorpio: collaborations; shared finances; loans and other methods of funding, including credit cards; debt; psychological matters; esoteric topics; things related to sex and intimacy; topics of power — empowerment, feelings of disempowerment, playing in the world power — using
power wisely and the repercussions of not doing so.
November 13 — Venus in Libra Sextile Saturn in Sagittarius — Stability and support is brought to Venus- related experiences, which involve love, beauty, and money. Some tangible examples of these two energies together are: funding comes to a project, maturity comes to a relationship, or a stronger sense of self-esteem based from the inside of self vs. the outside is established.
November 13 — Mercury in Scorpio Sextile Jupiter in Virgo — Raw emotional expression is given form at this time in a way that improves the daily experience. As an example of this energy in motion, I see a person who has given careful thought to an expression and once the sentiment or other offering is shared, the outcome is better than could have been anticipated.
November 17 — Sun in Scorpio Conjunct Mercury in Scorpio — This is the type of union that brings major Aha! moments. Mysteries are solved or missing pieces come together. In a lower expression, deep feelings of resentment or jealousy arise and express with notable intensity. This lower expression could still beget higher outcomes when the feelings are acknowledged and transmuted.
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November 18 — Neptune Direct in Pisces — When the rulers of dreams and the ethereal realms goes direct, the things imagined on these planes in the previous months have more of a chance of moving forward into tangible reality.
November 23 — Venus in Libra Opposing Uranus in Aries — Unanticipated, and in many cases unwelcome, sudden changes or events effect a relationship or financial picture. The issue of individual freedom Vs. the rules or expectations of the partnership is a theme of this joining.
November 23-24 — Mars in Libra Sextile Saturn in Sagittarius — Old-fashioned hard work and dedication bring great and lasting results, especially actions towards making big dreams a reality.
November 24 — Mercury in Sagittarius Conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius — Major news comes in, especially about projects involving writing, speaking, publishing, education, different cultures, countries, or languages through travel or other connections. A long-lasting connection or advancement may be made at this time marking a momentous moment on the road to a big dream.
November 24-25 — Mercury in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces — Exercise caution with agreements entered at this time as the full picture may be obscured. Take some time to evaluate a situation before agreeing officially to something or making a commitment.
November 25 — Full Moon at 3 degrees of Gemini — Fullness, completion, drama and attention comes to all things Gemini: cars and other vehicles; other areas of mobility; relatives such as siblings, cousins, uncles, aunts; communication and devices related to this; information and
the sharing of it; social scenes and situations.
November 26-29 — Sun in Sagittarius Conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius both Squaring Neptune in Pisces — When heavenly bodies come together in a configuration that is thought to be challenging like this 90-degree angle called a square, it feels like the energies are working against each other. Things to watch here include the topic of internet security. The seeming innocence and safety of social media fostered by the ease of use is further called into question at this time. Taking a “real” look at how personal information is being used now and being set up to be used in the future is first order of business. Being proactive with this topic can bring positive energy and outcomes from the challenged celestial arrangement. Another way to glean positive affects from the pair-up is to consider that there are negative manifestation potentials of each of the planets involved and when they are in conflict, the interaction can actually serve to soften the hardened or extreme negative experiences. One such opportunity is available here. When Neptune, the dissolver, is at a critical angle to Saturn, the taskmaster, the difficulties and rigidness of Saturn, also called “The Lord of Karma,” can be softened. When Saturn, the bringer of fruition and tangibility, acts in an active way on the nebulous Neptune: more clarity, detail, and organization can be brought from the chaos. The Sun’s influence here serves as an amplifier to all of the possible manifestations.
| Annie Botticelli, aka ‘The Starry Teller,’ — Self- Development Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Astrologer, Author — Check out monthly horoscopes on her YouTube Channel.
November 2015: Depth & Breadth
by Annie Botticelli

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