Page 30 - The NOISE November 2015
P. 30
Wanda Junes @ raven 11/21
Ottmar Liebert, noveau flamenco guitarist, 7PM, Sound Bites Grill, Sedona.
Karaoke (SIN Appreciation), 8PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p24
Karaoke, 9PM, The Green Room, Flagstaff.
Open Jam w/ Bottom Line, 9PM-2AM, Olde Sedona Bar & Grill, Sedona.
tuesday 11/24
“Wet Your Bristle” Open Canvas/Open Mic, live art w/music, 8-11PM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p28
Drumz & Dance Party!, 8PM, Oak Creek Brewery, Sedona, p24
Karaoke (SIN Appreciation), 8PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p24
Karaoke, 9PM, Monte Vista, Flagstaff, p28
Karaoke, 9PM-2AM, Olde Sedona Bar & Grill, Sedona.
wednesday 11/25
Eric Miller, latin/jazz guitar, 6PM, Sound Bites Grill, Sedona.
Open Mic w/ DL Harrison, 6PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p24
Live Trivia W/Harley, 7:30PM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p28
Open Mic w/ Llory McDonald, 8-11PM, Spirit Room, Jerome.
Soulective, dj/dance party, 8PM, The Green Room, Flagstaff.
The Po-Lite Open Mic Jam Session w/Sky Daddy, 9P, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p28
thursday 11/26
Susannah Martin Jazz Quartet, jazz & juice, 1-4PM, Sound Bites Grill, Sedona.
Open Mic w/ Don Cheek, 7:30-11PM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p28
Tara Lynette, 8-11PM, Spirit Room, Jerome.
Live DJ, 9PM, Monte Vista, Flagstaff, p28
Meat puppets @ Orpheum 11/28
Wanda Junes, 8-11PM, Raven Café, Prescott, p11
Green Light, classic rock, 8PM, 10-12 Lounge, Clarkdale, p28
Open Mic w/ James Turner, 8PM, Oak Creek Brewery, Sedona, p24
Ryan Bingham w/ Jamestown Revival, 8PM, $20+, Orpheum Theater, Flagstaff, p2
Mouse Powell, hip hop, 9PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p24
Fetish Ball, 9PM, $10+, 21+, The Green Room, Flagstaff.
Ebenizer, 9PM-12AM, Spirit Room, Jerome.
KBC Band, reggae, 9PM- 1AM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p28
sunday 11/22
Bloody Mary Grateful Dead Hour, 9AM-10AM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p28
Flagstaff Freemotion, conscious movement/ freestyle dance, 10:30AM, Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy, Flagstaff.
Live Music, 12-3PM, Page Springs Cellars, Page Springs, p7
Cadillac Angels, rockabilly, 2-6PM, Spirit Room, Jerome.
Combo Deluxe/Monthly Food Challenge, rock/ country/soul, 5PM, 10- 12 Lounge, Clarkdale, p28
Ottmar Liebert, noveau flamenco guitarist, 7PM, Sound Bites Grill, Sedona.
Karaoke, 8PM, The Green Room, Flagstaff.
Karaoke, 9PM-2AM, Olde Sedona Bar & Grill, Sedona.
monday 11/23
Open Mic w/ Caleb, 6-8PM, Campus Coffee Bean, Flagstaff, p15
Band Audition Night - Get A Gig! (reservations required), 7-10PM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p28
friday 11/27
Live Music, 5:30-8:30PM, Page Springs Cellars, Page Springs, p7
Llory McDonald, lead singer of combo deluxe, 6-9PM, Arizona Stronghold, Cottonwood, p6
Opening Night: A Christmas Carol, theater, 7:30PM, $16+, Theatrikos, Flagstaff.
Graffiti Gold, 50’s & 60’s rock & roll show, 7PM, Sound Bites Grill, Sedona.
Blaine Long, soulful vocals & guitar, 8-11PM, Raven Café, Prescott, p11
Mountain Stranded Time, 8-11PM, Spirit Room, Jerome.
Cadillac Angels, rockabilly, 8PM, Oak Creek Brewery, Sedona, p24
Yellowman, 8PM, $16+, The Green Room, Flagstaff.
Thanksgiving Bash w/ DJ ill.Ego, dj/dance, 9PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p24
Unchained, modern rock, 9PM-1AM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p28
saturday 11/28
Rhythm Dragons, 2-6PM, Spirit Room, Jerome.
Kenzo, blues/folk, 3-6PM, Oak Creek Brewery, Sedona, p24
Live Music, 5:30-8:30PM, Page Springs Cellars, Page Springs, p7
A Christmas Carol, theater, 7:30PM, $15+, Theatrikos, Flagstaff.
Chance Tinder, a tribute to elvis presley, 7PM, Sound Bites Grill, Sedona.
Fallen Arrows, folk rock/ americana, 8-11PM, Raven Café, Prescott, p11
Aces ‘N’ Eights, 8PM, 10-12 Lounge, Clarkdale, p28
Open Mic w/ James Turner, 8PM, Oak Creek Brewery, Sedona, p24
Meat Puppets w/ Black Box, 8PM, $20+, Orpheum Theater, Flagstaff, p2
Kill Babylon Coalition/ Project Out of Bounds, 8PM, free, 21+, The Green Room, Flagstaff.
TBA, 9PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p24
Jamie Wyatt, 9PM-12AM, Spirit Room, Jerome.
Unchained, rock, 9PM- 1AM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p28
sunday 11/29
Bloody Mary Grateful Dead Hour, 9AM-10AM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p28
Flagstaff Freemotion, conscious movement/ freestyle dance, 10:30AM, Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy, Flagstaff.
Live Music, 12-3PM, Page Springs Cellars, Page Springs, p7
Jamie Wyatt, 2-6PM, Spirit Room, Jerome.
A Christmas Carol, theater, 2PM, $13+, Theatrikos, Flagstaff.
Solace, 5PM, 10-12 Lounge, Clarkdale, p28
Karaoke, 8PM, The Green Room, Flagstaff.
Collie Buddz w/ Hirie, 8PM, $20+, Orpheum Theater, Flagstaff, p2
Karaoke, 9PM-2AM, Olde Sedona Bar & Grill, Sedona.
monday 11/30
Open Mic w/ Caleb, 6-8PM, Campus Coffee Bean, Flagstaff, p15
Band Audition Night - Get A Gig! (reservations required), 7-10PM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p28
Karaoke (SIN Appreciation), 8PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p24
Karaoke, 9PM, The Green Room, Flagstaff.
Open Jam w/ Bottom Line, 9PM-2AM, Olde Sedona Bar & Grill, Sedona.
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