Page 7 - The NOISE November 2015
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NORTHERN ARIZONA’S MONTHLY fruere iustitio éditîon November 2015 • # 172
09. news: Still time to fix recreation fee System?
10. news: GMO Labeling Laws Still under Consideration
12. news: What If thousands of People Marched every time there Was a tragedy?
14. commUnitY: Justice Not Gestures
16. news: Is Oak flat Sacred? 17. newBrieFs
18. interview: Meat Puppets 20. interview: North
23. the Wine Monk: Gran Blancas 24. mUsic: the turtles
26. astrologically Speaking
28. the “a “List Calendar
31. Beer caPt: RYEDONKULOUS 32. local travel: Culture Sites 34. interview: tony Norris
26. arts: Karen Clarkson
38. arts: Sky Black & Dave edwards 40. arts: Dean Chetwynd
42. arts: November theater
44. artsBrieFs
executive & arts editor Clair anna rose music editor tony Ballz
news & calendar editor Cindy Cole
annie Botticelli Cody Burkett, Kris Pothier Mike Williams, Gary Kurtz Klee Benally, troy farah Kyle Boggs
allison Klion
Jard Bohn Nikki Charnstrom Callie Luedeker
sponsorship ray reeves Distribution MQ turner Publisher Charles Seiverd
The Noise is a free forum for ideas & creative expression, hence all opinions expressed herein are of no affiliation to the directors of Weavel Inc and are strictly those of the individual artist. Copyrights are held by the individual artist and no part of this publication may be duplicated without explicit consent by the artist.
readership: 42,000 Distribution: 245 locations
in northern arizona: Flagstaff, sedona, Prescott, cottonwood, Jerome, clarkdale, Prescott valley, Pine, Payson, camp verde, williams & winslow
cover art: Magnum by Karen Clarkson INQuIrIeS: 928-634-5001 |
POB 1637 • flagstaff aZ 86002 | POB 1257 • Clarkdale aZ 86324
a “zero waste” perodical
a publication of
an arizona 501c3 nonprofit organization
... When you’re finished reading, consider origami! • the NOISE arts & news •
november 2015 • 7

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