Page 23 - The Noise November 2016
P. 23
ARTSBRIEFS: AUTUMN2016 astrologically speaking ...
November 2016 ~ Advancement & Ascension BY ANNIE BOTTICELLI
This month is quite literally the time many of us have been waiting and working for. There are so many sweet aspects that are conducive to ease, harmony, expression, advancements, and ascension. Even the most challenging transit of the month can bring positive momentum. The major clash of two outer planets, brings in a long-term theme of adding depth (Pluto) and breadth (Jupiter) to amp up and inspire greatest outcomes.
Floodgates are open with possibilities, opportunities, and a stretch of time to launch, make decisions, and experience rapid forward movement. This is the only month of the whole year that doesn’t have any personal planet retrograde or shadow energy slowing things down or pulling them back.
Lots of planetary movement and aspects in Sagittarius brings an upbeat vibe, positive outlooks, confidence, and expansion. The energy of Sagittarius is very much like walking on a cloud. A feeling of rising above difficulties — either as a result of resolution of the issue, or as a means to gain a different, more open, vantage point from which to create resolution — prevails.
Sagittarius rules different countries, cultures, and languages, international business and relations of all kinds; long-distance travel, publishing, prolific expression (speaking, writing, etc.), religion and spirituality, teaching and learning and places where this hap- pens. Expect to see one or more of these energies lighting up bright.
Sagittarius is a scattered, animated, and busy energy. It will bring lots of hustle-bustling around. For most ease and flow, complete holiday shopping in November to steer clear of the Mercury retrograde energies present from December 2 on through the whole month.
For launches or moving forward, some great dates include October 30 because of the nice aspects of the New Moon in Scorpio, and November 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 15, 19, 22, 23, 26, and 29. Some times to expect challenges or excess emotions: November 14 (and a couple of days leading up to this Full Moon), 24 (and days around this time, with a theme that lasts a few weeks before and after this date), and November 30.
Check out more November Highlights:
** Note: often the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day the transit occurs.
November 1 — Sun in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pisces — Harmony, art, meditation, or even just a great night’s sleep can come with this planetary combination.
November 2-3 — Mercury in Scorpio Sextile Pluto in Capricorn — Something hidden is now revealed in a powerful way. It is a great time to search for and find life- changing answers.
November 4-5 — Venus in Sagittarius Trine Uranus in Aries — Sexy, sizzling, excit- ing things afoot. Surprises that delight and expand are on the menu.
November 7 — Sun in Scorpio Sextile Pluto in Capricorn — Here is more great en- ergy for transformation. Anything going deep into the psyche, a mystery, or esoteric topics will be significantly supported here. A light at the end of the tunnel can be seen or a mystery solved or greatly elucidated.
November 14 — Full Moon at 22° of Taurus — This is an exceptionally powerful Su- perMoon. It is the fifth of six this year. Emotions and water may carry further, wider, and to places where it wasn’t intended. Beware of overreacting and guard things that aren’t intended to be wet. Fullness, completion, fruition come to all things Taurean. This transit could bring a great expense, a boost to income, or something expensive, beautiful, or environmentally supportive into fruition.
November 15 — Mercury in Sagittarius Sextile Mars in Aquarius — Expression and action come together in a wonderful way bringing an opportunity that might require action to bear fruit.
November 18 — Mercury in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces — Communica- tion can be unclear or intentionally deceptive during this time. Hold off on agreements until terms are clear and preferably somehow guaranteed.
November 19 — Venus in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces — Venus in beautiful aspect to Pisces can bring exceptional business opportunities to artistic expression or healing work. This can also bring dreamy romantic encounters :)
November 22 — Mercury in Sagittarius Sextile Jupiter in Libra — Expression flows eas- ily and expansively when these two get together. Good news and opportunities are common. November 23 — Mercury in Sagittarius Conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius — Usually the combination of Mercury, ruling expression, transportation, and news, getting to- gether with serious and stubborn Saturn is more difficult, but in the sign of Sagittarius, the whole scene is significantly lightened. Saturn always brings reality checks and often brings an authority figure into the equation with some inescapable conditions that must
be met for the expansion to be allowed.
November 24 — Jupiter in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn — This challenging tran-
sit’s peak is unfortunately timed with the U.S. celebration of Thanksgiving, making the sparking of long-standing or new familial challenges more likely at this time. This energy could definitely be labeled as buzz kill, especially compared to the general tone of the previous days and general month. When outer planets combine as they do now, their effects bring in a long-term theme that rolls in and out of focus during the time of the full transit. This is the first of three such alignments, the second occurs on March 30, 2017, and the final pass is August 4, 2017. The themes brought by this transit are very strong this month, especially towards the middle and end. Jupiter wants to grow outward, up- ward, and expand through more breadth. Pluto wants to go inward and deeper. The two don’t match energetically bringing discord but ultimately when they are combined they can balance each other out bringer wider breadth, and more profound depth than the two energies would individually, bringing ascension beyond issues and blocks that were limiting. Jupiter blocks Pluto energies from going so deep they get stuck in the abyss and help to draw out of the deepest recesses the most profound potentials, bringing more lightness and hope. Pluto stops Jupiter from expanding too fast so more foresight and planning is implemented, which can prevent problems from expanding too fast. Think of the energy of a diver rising from deep in the ocean. They have to control how much they rise or the results could be quite serious. Safe, careful, and successful ascension through tending to important details is a theme of this transit.
November 26 — Mercury in Sagittarius Trine Uranus in Aries — Breakthroughs, insights, surprising news (likely good), unique expression, and advances come with this alignment. Be open to the strange and new.
November 29 — New Moon at almost 8° of Sagittarius — Brilliant opportunities come to everything Sagittarian! Make your New Moon wishes for any kind of adventure, exotic travel, international expansion of work and other worldly opportunities, publish- ing, writing, speaking, teaching, learning, religion, and spirituality. This New Moon comes along with nice aspects with Mars and Jupiter and challenging one with Neptune.
November 30 — Sun in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces — This can be a dis- couraging or draining transit. Lay low and try not to feel too sorry for yourself. Exhaus- tion could come from doing too many things or pushing too hard.
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