Page 6 - The Noise November 2016
P. 6

Superfluous culture what are we doing? You get paid so well to tell us what to do — you act like you know what you are doing. We do all the work on the same thing again and again. My back hurts, and you want us to keep digging? The plants seem different this year. I haven’t seen many bees out either. Maybe we should stop? Something is wrong. Maybe it is just me. I cannot stop with so many expenses. If I work a little more, maybe I can get ahead.
Who will help me burst this bubble? The real matrix here is that we are generations deep into something most cannot or don’t want to comprehend. Waking up into awareness from the distractions, comfortable conformity and addictions of our culture is not the hard part — the challenge is discerning fact from fiction or good from bad and where we want to place ourselves on that colorful gradient.
I believe deep-down most of us know the bread and circuses cannot go on the way they are currently. Perhaps you noticed. Who will help me grow this wheat and bake this bread? We can tell stories by the fire. We don’t have to dig so damn hard, and my back will get better.
an independent publication
The Noise is a publication of Weavel Inc, an Arizona 501c3 Non-profit Organization dedicated to the production & presentation of original works of art & literature
for the educational benefit of the community. The Noise is a free forum for ideas & creative expression, hence all opinions expressed herein are of no affiliation to the directors of Weavel Inc and are solely those of the individual artist. Copyrights are held by the individual artist
and no part of this publication may be duplicated without explicit consent by the artist.
distributed monthly 10,000 copies
250 locations in arizona subscriptions available
inquiries & contact pob 1257 • clarkdale az • 86324 928-634-5001
November 2016
I left journalism 2008 with a college debt that did not justify the outcome. Oops. So I went to work in organic farms, land- scapes and vineyards here in Arizona for some years, much happier to be in the company big skies and nature. I only considered returning to the medium for this one particular circumstance of being able to direct The Noise because in my opinion, it is the only readily accessible platform for alternative culture around. I want to continue the tradition and expand it.
There are some things to adjust to and develop for a full transition here, but we aim to take things into a bit of a new di- rection. I aim to be a servant leader and give those around our region the charge to begin working in more collective ways for all the arts in life. We are looking for partners to help educate our communities in ways to increase our community quality of life — through art, food, culture, civics, health, philosophy, etc. Bring your best ideas. We look forward to it!
Hear a new Noise, John Bianchini
Going into winter, we want stories. We want to hear from the Hopi and Navajo communities. Got anything for us?
What is an Andy Warpig?
Coffea Arabica Not Typical
Craft Coffee Movement of NorAZ
Spiritual *
We are looking for regional non- profit organizations wanting to promote their deeds through our medium. Let’s meet and figure something out.

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