Page 13 - the Noise November 2017
P. 13

October 2017
@ FALA’s PLATE @ F3’s Blue Jean Ball @ MNA’s Offrenda
ROW 1: Flagstaff Arts & Leadership Academy’s annual PLATE fundraiser was sold out at Coconino Center for the Arts October 21st as FALA students demonstrated the Habits of the Heart and Mind in action. From left, Hannah Chase & Ellie Whiteman display their PLATE creations; Dakota Palmer shows off 2 of the 7 PLATES she created using the Italian ‘sgrafetti’ technique; Art In- structor Extraordinaire Janeece Henes & Academy Dean Deidre Crawley beam with pride after the students orchestrat- ed a successful event.
ROW 2: From left, congratulations to PLATE Grant Winners Karis Newbury & James Linskey, who pose here with the $1000 Grant Certificate for Heart Smart, their project entry which focuses on pro- viding a purchase of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and continuing to work with Mended Hearts Association, which educates, provides support and hope to those with heart disease diag- nosis; FALA alumni Jasmine Jewell and science instructor William Beckett both scored raffle prizes.
ROW 3: At the Friends of Flagstaff’s Future Annual Blue Jean Ball at the Mu- seum of Northern Arizona October 14, folks gather to celebrate 22 years of F3 making Flagstaff a more livable commu- nity. A few of the F3 Posse pose from left: David McCain, Dawn Tucker & Mike Caulkins brought the attention straight and narrow, calling out all the changes on the homestead; Adam (who recent- ly announced his run for Flagstaff City Council in 2018) & Genevieve Shimoni, put their brand of fun on the night!
ROW 4: It was a crisp October evening during the 2nd Annual Ofrenda cere- mony at the Museum of Northern Ari- zona, with candle light ambience, and hot chocolate and pan dolce served to the crowd. Inset at left: Barbara Flores proudly displays her father Reymundo’s picture at the Veterans’ Ofrenda, hon- oring the many locals who served in the country’s wars over the past 10 de- cades. From left, in the Courtyard, Lydia Anaya speaks lovingly about her family as guests look on; luck comes in 3’s, as these made-up Calaveras will attest; the live Mariachi Sol Azteca brought that dynamite up-tempo beat, livening up all the souls ‘present.’
13 • NOVEMBER 2017 | the NOISE arts & news |

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