Page 43 - the NOISE January 2014
P. 43
four times A chArm:
Alex stern’s AmAzing looping journey to zAni
story & photos by steele Wotkyns
Alex Stern has lived in New York City, Steamboat Springs, Las Ve- gas, Phoenix, Scottsdale and now she’s calling Flagstaff home. Her personal and professional journey features light that shines on her path – illuminating a se- ries of almost mystical, well-timed coin- cidences bringing her to ZANI, an iconic Flagstaff small business that’s still going strong after 20 years.
“In April I moved back to Flagstaff,” said Ms. Stern, a new ZANI business partner with Glen Cushing and Tyler Truscio.
“So I’ve moved back to Flagstaff for the fourth time.”The trio took over ZANI from Elizabeth & Dean Bonzani in June and Ms. Stern said the feedback and support from the Bonzanis and from Flagstaff res- idents and visitors has been overwhelm- ingly positive.
Ms. Stern grew up in New Jersey, moved west and attended high school in Phoenix for her senior year, then went on to NAU for a degree in English. “But when you graduate with a degree in English — what do you do?” asked Ms. Stern. Well her answer features a career path that has been nothing short of amazing, seemingly sprinkled with, well, magic dust along the way. It’s actually more like mind-bending coincidences and timing combined with a strong dose of Ms. Stern’s practical, make-your-own- luck and make-things-happen nature.
“The whole transition with ZANI has been a series of coincidences,” said Ms. Stern,
who has worked in retail, real estate, vaca- tion ownership sales and marketing, online marketing and she even once had a gig as a professional dog walker in New York City.
Then, “I started looking online and found out they were selling this store,” said Stern. “I have searched online for years — just see- ing what’s out there ... But, ZANI was the first and only of many, many ads I’ve ever responded to – it was the first that felt right. I was telling my father about it and he said,
‘what do you got to lose?’”
Ms. Stern then inquired by email asking if
ZANI was still available. Ms. Bonzani wrote back saying that it was. In February 2012, Ms. Stern came out to Flagstaff to visit and check it out, to find out: “Do I really want to do this?” She saw the store, liked the store, told herself she wanted the store, “but, I didn’t know how to make it happen,” Ms. Stern explained. “So, I got in touch with my two good friends, Glen and Tyler.”
Mr. Cushing explained that Ms. Stern has been floating business ideas past him for years. “This one seemed worth pursuing,” Mr. Cushing said. Mr. Cushing has an affin- ity, a real knack for finding eclectic, unusual, attention-attracting goods at garage sales and in buying and selling on eBay. So in that way, he is also a good fit as a ZANI business partner. Mr. Truscio worked as one of Stern’s employees while they were both with Wyndham Resorts in Flagstaff, then later in Las Vegas and now he is a very successful businessman.
Another amazing coincidence with
ZANI’s evolution occurred when downtown girl, Laura Yamada – who had worked at ZANI 10 years ago – stopped in the store during the First Friday ArtWalk last May. “I don’t know if you need help?” she asked Ms. Stern and now she’s helping staff ZANI in addition to taking a lead as web designer for
The extraordinary coincidences don’t end there, however. In the process of moving back to Flagstaff, Ms. Stern checked out her former downtown apartment, where she had lived when in Flagstaff more than once. She asked the landlord if there was space. On the day of her call, she was told no, sorry, the apartments were all rented. The next day the landlord called back having been told by one of the renters they were giv- ing notice. So, Ms. Stern’s life and life’s work looped once again and brings her back to Flagstaff — and she couldn’t be happier.
At ZANI and on the website, customers delight in the selection of journals, chimes, copper spinners, jewelry, elegant wrapping papers ... and yes, cards. “We will always have great cards,” said Ms. Stern. ZANI spe- cializes in handmade, high-quality artisan gifts, cards, jewelry and paper. After over 20 years of providing local residents and visi- tors with unique cards & gifts, ZANI’s truly excited about the recent launch of their on- line store.
“We wanted to keep ZANI,” said Ms. Stern of the transition from the Bonzanis. “Our focus in here isn’t to change ZANI.” Rather, it’s been to add to it. One new addition Ms.
Stern plans to test out in 2014 is the mar- ket for wedding gifts, those specialized items a thoughtful bride and groom can give to their wedding party as mementos.
Meanwhile, ZANI has great gifts and items made by locals and they delight in supporting other local artists through- out the United States and Canada. “It’s fun to be a part of ... helping give cre- ative people a platform from which they can make money; I like supporting that,” said Ms. Stern adding that the win-win circumstances of the new ZANI has been just that for herself, her business partners, Ms. Yamada, the Bonzanis and for ZANI’s enthusiastic, supportive customers.
So ZANI’s footprints, the store’s story, its latest evolution, is on a very positive footing thanks to Ms. Stern and company.
“Even if you don’t know how it’s going to happen, if you keep putting one foot in front of the other, it will come to fruition,” said Ms. Stern.
Visit ZANI, 107 West Phoenix Av- enue in Flagstaff and at, (928) 774-9409.
| Steele Wotkyns is an aspiring writer and principal of the public relations firm, WotkynsPRplus. • the NOISE arts & news • january 2014 • 43