Page 23 - the NOISE January 2015
P. 23

By CLAiR AnnA RoSe
“I’ve featured local scenes here, it’s all San Francisco Peaks and Aspen,” she says of her current works on display. “I find the Grand Canyon a great challenge also. I began paint- ing back in the 70’s and I was very involved out at the old art barn at the Coconino Cen- ter for the Arts. I painted with Viola Babbitt and her ladies, so that’s where my inspiration began. I’ve painted with a lot of other artists over the years. My husband and I have lived here in Flagstaff 59 years this year and we raised a family here. There’s a lot of beautiful scenery and I’m inspired to work.”
Since the Artists’ Gallery opened, Ms. Rus- sell has been a part of it, and she says it was here that her inspiration has been kindled.
She first began painting with oils, and then made the switch to acrylics. “I like how fast it dries and I’ve learned to work with it in a way so that some people think its oils.” Ms. Russell says. She uses varnishes and gel mediums to add texture and shine to her paintings. One smaller painting plays a trick with the eyes, until upon close inspection, the viewer sees that the trees in the scene have been built up, layer upon layer, adding natural shadows as the light hits the painting from different angles.
For January a winter scene by Linda Rus- sell will be on display in the Window of the Artists’ Gallery, 17 N. San Francisco, along with select pieces by the other January fea- tured artists lee Hughes, steve barth and Tom yazzie.
100 SQuARe inCheS oF ARt
After a successful first show, where all 114 pieces of art on display sold, the “10 x 10 ex- hibition,” returns to the Coconino Center for the Arts. The exhibition is a fundraiser for the Coconino Center for the Arts and fea- tures the works of 100 artists, who work with- in a space of 10 by 10 inches. All pieces are on sale for 100 dollars or begin at 100 dollars in the silent auction.
In the Jewel Gallery the acrylic paintings of rebecca bramon show the dichotomy of fire and water on landscape in her show,
“Fire and Water.”
A member’s preview will be held January 16, 2015, 6PM to 8PM and an opening recep-
tion is on January 17, from 6PM to 8PM at the Coconino Center for the Arts, 2300 N. Fort Valley Road, and is open to the public.
out & ABout
For the month of January 2015 West of the Moon Gallery, 14 N. San Francisco, will be featuring the paintings of sam Jones.
The Artists’ Coalition of Flagstaff Gal- lery, 111 E. Aspen, will present an after the holidays art sale, offering the chance to own a piece of local art work at discounted prices.
In our neighboring town Williams, The Gallery in Williams, 145 W. Route 66, fea- tures the copper relief’s of Glenn Hintz for their First Friday Art Walk.
have art? • the NOISE arts & news • january 2015 • 23

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