Page 26 - the NOISE February 2016
P. 26
268 • febrRuUaArRyY 2016 •• ththeeNOIISEarrttss&newss ••
Heart art
This February Elaine Dillingham’s “Arts and Hearts” is featured at Arizona Handmade/Fire on the Mountain Gallery. Ms. Dillingham has created a selection of heart pins just in time for the First Friday ArtWalk before Valentine’s Day.
“The heart pins are paintings to wear,” Ms. Dillingham describes. “Each one is its own little cheerful composition — acrylic & watercolor on four layers of fused paper, varnished for durability. I use paper punches to cut up my reject paintings, so in a sense they are recycled art as well. The Heart Pins are a fun way to make original, one-of-a-kind art that’s affordable and doesn’t require a wall for display. I like the idea of the “gallery” being someone’s sweater, coat or backpack.”
Ms. Dillingham has paintings on display as well — still lifes painted in acrylic on canvas or wood. Though the surrounding beauty of the landscapes in Northern Arizona inspires her, the artist says, “Rather than taking the expansive view, I’m going intimate — exploring a few carefully chosen and arranged objects, and listening to their conversation. The still lifes range from mostly realistic to playfully abstract.”
An art teacher at Coconino Community College, Ms. Dillingham tells me, “Spring semester 2016 I’m teaching Life Drawing, which I love. Drawing the human body is a lot like drawing a still life. Both require careful and sensitive observation and accurate proportion.”
art at 7,000 Feet
The NAU Art Museum, located in Old Main, is featuring artwork by the School of Art Faculty February 2 through March 11, with an opening reception February 4, 5-7PM. The “Spring 2016 School of Art Faculty Exhibition” allows the community to connect with School of Art faculty through viewing their diverse works.
In the Beasley Art Gallery two new exhibitions are displayed through February 19. In Gallery A “The Junior Show” displays the work of BFA students, giving them the experience of showing their work in a gallery setting. Showing simultaneously in Gallery B is the “New Series of Mustard Seed Garden Model Books — Watercolored Woodcut Works from Xing Jin.” Xing Jin is a visiting professor from Shenyang National University, China. museum
“The Youth Art Exhibition” returns to the main gallery at the Coconino Center for the Arts this February. Over 350 selections of ceramics, pottery, drawings, paintings and other artworks by Flagstaff Youth, grades K-12, will be on display. A reception on Friday, February 26 opens the exhibit, which runs through April 2.
With Valentine’s Day in mind The Gallery in Williams features artwork related to the holiday. Hearts, flowers and romance-themed art in a variety of mediums will be on display.
Creative works by students at Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy remain on display at Brandy’s Restaurant through February 8. A reception is planned for Friday, February 5.
The Flagstaff First Friday ArtWalk is back in action after taking January off. West of the Moon Gallery, 14 N. San Francisco, presents an all artists show, “Random Hearts.”
The watercolors of Bob Dalegowski and beadwork of Jerry O’Conner are featured alongside the ceramics of Stuart Wolf, Natalie Reed-Goehl, Karen Myers, Angie Bray-Widner, Joni Pevarnik and Sandy Quintanilla at the Artists’ Gallery for the month of February.
The Indigo Art Market sets up at the Green Room one night only each month, during the First Friday ArtWalk, showcasing the arts and crafts of Flagstaff artists. This month artist Rachel Grieg is spotlighted.
The First Friday ArtWalk takes place on the evening of February 5, 6-9PM.
Painting liVe at a Mile HigH
A palette of deep colors, some muted & dark, others vibrantly bold, weave together the dream-like paintings of Jerome artist Jason Dudley. Mr. Dudley moved to Jerome ten years ago. He was drawn to the artistic environment where he can explore his creative concepts to their boundaries and move past them into new unexplored areas. His paintings combine mythology, surrealism and the natural world in a raw, yet beautiful interpretation. Using acrylic on handmade wood panels and stretched canvas, the artist is continuously evolving, never remaining stagnant with any one style or subject.
This month the paintings of Mr. Dudley can be found at three locations in Northern Arizona: Arizona Stronghold in Old Town Cottonwood, Cellar 433 in Jerome and the State Bar in Flagstaff. On February 13, 6-9PM he will be painting live accompanying a musical performance by The Hollow at the Arizona Stronghold Tasting Room. Mr. Dudley’s work can be found on Facebook at his Wicked Mountain Art page.
elaine DillinGHaM
Jason DUDleY