Page 41 - the NOISE February 2016
P. 41
hoi polloi!
@ THE SIXTH ANNUAL BREWHAHA. Held in the High Country Conference Center, this event on Jan. 16 hosted more than 60 breweries, including local favorites, and 150 craft beers. More than 600 people attended. Proceeds were shared with Habitat for Humanity of Flagstaff.
january 2016
@ FLAGSTAFF FOUNDRY. In partnership with Flagstaff Aerial Arts, Tiny Punches and the Bacchus Arts Collective, this monthly variety show’s Jan. 23 event featured aerial acts, improv, stand-up and the live perfor- mance of a serial podcast. More than 60 people attended.
ROW 1: At the sixth annual BrewHaHa, the tallest attendee (Joanie Garcia on stilts) meets the shortest, a service dog in training. Jodi Keogh, Zack “Muffins” Stoll and Kristen Ewer from Historic, which made it to the top three of peo- ple’s choice for the third year in a row, hang out at their booth. Dan Choiniere and Andrew Feight from Ballast Point Brewing & Spirits present their brews. Eva Rupert represents State Bar, which hosted the after-party.
ROW 2: Ashley Doyle from Brew Ap- pétit enjoys the local brews, and art- ist Emma Gardner displays her iconic artwork that can always be seen in MartAnne’s. Anthony Onofrio pours at the Dark Sky Brewing booth, and Giant Steps Jazz plays as the main BrewHa- Ha’s entertainment.
ROW 3: At the Flagstaff Foundry, Beth Blake performs to “Sexy Back.” Found- ry founders Joanie and Garrison Gar- cia, who emcees the event, cuddle up after the show. Jennifer Knott and Jacob-Norman Kniep show off their duo lyra skills.
ROW 4: Marcus Anthony Strocks, Geoffrey Allan Whittaker, Dennis Verrett and Sera Rae Young voice an- other installment of the Flagstone Four podcast. Abby Chan helps manage the Circus Arts Studio during intermission, and James Byas takes a break back- stage. Dennis Verrett and Garrison Garcia of Tiny Punches close out the show with improv.
| Gean Shanks is a m. • the NOISE arts & news • february 2016 • 41