Page 8 - the NOISE March 2013
P. 8

One memory buried deep in the rabbit hole of September 11, 2001 was Build- ing #7 of the World Trade Center Towers, a 47-story modern steel frame building that collapsed in its footprint at 5:20PM on that fateful day.
Some consider it the smoking gun — the equivalent of the Kennedy assassination’s Zapruder film — that puts into question the
“mass reality” about what happened that day. Over 1,700 architects and engineers have
signed a petition disputing the “official nar- rative” concerning the destruction of those three buildings, maintaining the laws of physics proves the impossibility, and de- manding the evidence be peer reviewed once again. Irrespective of imparting a com- prehensive conspiracy theory about the events and systematic consequences of 9/11, these professionals merely state the “official story” from the National Institute of Sci- ence and Technology is scientifically absurd.
A visit to the website, re- veals a reality check, replete with Ed Asner narrating a documentary demonstrating vi- sually, and with persuasive arguments from professionals both in and outside govern- ment spheres, how World Trade Center Seven came down. The group maintains that, rather than errant jet fuel and office fires creating enough heat to melt the steel frames of the one building not hit by an airplane, timed implosions indicative of a controlled demo- lition is the only viable explanation of the building’s “pancake” collapse. With the in- complete report by NISA on WTC7, the web- site also questions the government agency’s investigation of the Twin Towers’ collapse, of which there are starkly similar comparisons.
As we reflect on the Kennedy assassina- tion 50 years later, and the Zapruder Film documenting a second angle to the “offi- cial narrative,” what we are told by an ever- homogenized mainstream media and what is evidenced differs substantially. In 1964, the Warren Commission released its find- ings about the Kennedy assassination in 26
volumes. At that time, 90% of Americans believed the lone gunman and “magic bullet” theory. In 2004, on the 40th anniversary of the Warren Commission Report, the same survey was conducted and 89% of Americans no longer believed in the official explanation still on the books of government record. The abundance of evidence, including the Zapruder film, eye witnesses, audio tracks, have seeped in over the years into American consciousness and demolished the “official narrative.” The lost autopsy, the misplacing of the President’s brain, and plausible motives relative to the time and individuals involved, all stretched the credulity of the official ex- planation, until it broke under the weight of fabrication.
Over the 11 years since 9/11, the “sanc- tioned interpretation” is being questioned not only by philosophers like David Ray Grif- fin (author, 9/11 Commission Report: Omis- sions and Distortions) and politicians like Mike Gravel (the Alaskan Senator who ran for President in 2008), but by the families of victims who want to know what really hap- pened to their loved ones, and why.
For now, the push for a new investiga- tion is being kept alive by Richard Gage, an architect of 20+ years who founded the
“AE911” movement in 2007 and has had mul- tiple speaking engagements in universities throughout the nation. This writer spoke to him via telephone in mid-February.
Where would you like to start?
I’d like to start with Building Seven. I found out on 9/11 at 5:20 in the afternoon, in front of God and all of us, this building came down at free fall speed. It was really extraordinary and looked like a controlled demolition. Dan Rather reported on mainstream news that “it looked like what we’ve seen so often before, a controlled demolition.”
But the official report, which came out seven years later, said the building came
down due to regular office furniture burn- ing. The official story claims that the beams on the 12th floor expanded due to thermal heat and that pushed girders out until a vertical collapse happened in just under seven seconds.
How can the official report get away with telling the American people a false story?
Fraud. In order to justify their computer simulation, the presentation was done on the fly. Worst structural failure in modern his- tory and what was found in the rubble un- der the buildings would shock all architects and engineers. We know that fire, which was blamed for the collapse of the building, can’t cause this kind of damage, but thermite can.
Evidence supports the theory everyone in the government denies. We have a media that is unwilling to air the evidence. If people don’t see it on CNN, then 80% of them will not believe it. So we need to penetrate that resistance.
The foreknowledge angle is pretty com- pelling. The BBC announced that building seven had fallen 20 minutes before it fell. You can see construction workers and fire- men on CNN come by and say, after the ex- plosions, “get back, watch, that building is about to come down.”
Never in history has a fire brought down a skyscraper. Many examples of fires that burned hotter and longer and did not bring down buildings, and yet three buildings came down that day.
How hot were the fires in Building Seven?
There were a couple small fires on the seventh and twelfth floors. Office fires burn around 1000°F and steel begins to melt at 2800°F. Office fires are normal hydro-car- bon fires and don’t burn hot. Now in the Twin Towers, jet fuel burns at around 600°F and office furniture caught fire and burnt in- efficiently.
What’s observed is the North Building’s top twelve floors collapse and smash the rest
of the building to the ground, according to the official story. If you look at the video evi- dence, it defies the laws of gravity. The top of that building coming down was not simulta- neous. The first four seconds of that building coming down, what happened to the rest of the building? More explosions and suddenly beams are being hurled at 60 miles an hour laterally, 400 feet vertically from the building.
What is causing that outward explosion? — if it is a mere collapse — a simple pancak-
ing downward? Laterally, like a shot out of a cannon, debris is shooting in all directions. That is extraordinary evidence itself, that there was lateral explosives projecting these elements out and beams trailing with white
smoke, which means there has been some- thing burning on them. Thousands of tons of concrete evaporate into dust in mid-air. Even the firemen at the site say — and you can see it on the video — the building implodes
“pop, pop, pop ... the floors explode like it was a controlled demolition.”
The official story is that it’s a gravitational collapse or a pancake collapse, a bunch of pancakes? Forty or fifty floors stacked up, but we don’t see that. How many did we find? Not fifty floors, not even ten of them. We have less than a two story pile of miscellaneous metals, so we’re missing a complete stack of pancakes, if the official story is true. Where are the floors that caved in on each other, one floor falling on top of another?
Nobody would expect the complete de- struction of every steel element in the build- ing. The powder that landed all over lower Manhattan, twelve inches thick in some places and “four inches from river to river” — as Governor Pataki says in the video — all of that concrete dust was pulverized and it takes an incredible amount of energy to pulverize concrete. And a pancake collapse from one floor onto another cannot do that.
Each floor in the World Trade Center Tow- ers had an acre of space, and concrete is poured into metal buckets that divide each
8 • MARCH 2013 • the NOISE arts & news •

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