Page 9 - the NOISE March 2013
P. 9

floor. How does it evaporate into dust from falling and squashing the floor below it? How does that building, that substance, pul- verize into small microscopic metal findings?
I found small metal filings myself in the dust that was found by others; millions of nano-thermite composites, tons of elemen- tal iron spires in the dust. We haven’t used iron in building structures in over a hundred years, so where did it come from?
The shape of the composites shows it came during the event in an extremely hot environment, hot enough to burn steel, which is over 2800°F, which office fires can’t do, so what can create that heat? Only thermite, an incendiary military- grade product, that can reach temperatures of 4500°F and cut through steel like butter.
Why didn’t the National Institute of Stan- dards & Technology expose this in its official investigation?
This was not examined by NIST and it was passed over in its examination of the scene. At the hearings, they were barraged by ques- tions about this and they had no answer be- cause they didn’t investigate. NIST said there was “no evidence of explosives.” And they were asked: “Did you test for explosives?” And NIST said, “No, we didn’t test for explo- sives.” And that’s why no explosives were found, they weren’t looking for them.
After their report came out, they felt they could justify their “column failure theory” and that “fires caused the structural damage that brought down the buildings.” So, if the fires caused the floor to sag, then the floors pulled in the perimeter columns which caused the building to collapse, which al- lowed the twelve floors on the North Tower to fall in on itself and that caused the entire building to collapse, supposedly.
What’s the best evidence to disprove the government version?
The best evidence yet is the small ther- mite chips many scientists found, red on one side, gray on the other side. When you look at them under an electron microscope, when enhanced 50,000 times, they con- tain in equal parts iron-oxide and alumi- num powder. These are very sophisticated nano-particals, thinner than a sliver of hair, which is the main ingredient in thermite, a military-grade explosive.
So, the evidence is there, but NIST refused to look at it. Very sophisticated defense contractor-grade explosives were found at Ground Zero, but the official story is the building collapsed in on itself. So, we really should be looking into who made this stuff.
In an independent 24-page report in a Copen- hagen scientific journal, they examined baggies of these nano-thermite particles and concluded conclusively that they were explosives.
So, explosives were present at Ground Zero butthatwasnotenteredintothepublicrecord. Why?
NIST was given the responsibility by Con- gress to investigate and they brought in de- fense contractors to help them and to guide the investigation. But the defense contrac- tors were the very ones to develop the nano- thermite explosive technology.
Families of the victims of 9/11 are on the new documentary along with professional experts asking for a new real investiga- tion, they’re pleading for justice to be done for their dead relatives. But the evidence remains unaddressed and there are fam- ily members who will not rest until justice is done — 2,744 victims at the World Trade Center deserve justice.
What can be done now?
We’ve lost civil liberties, gone to two major wars, the Patriot Act, the NDAA and a surveil- lance society have undermined the liberties we’ve taken for granted in our Constitution ... Well-meaning Americans, who are aware, need to stand up and do something. Noth- ing will happen unless we do something. Send the link to the free documentary to as many friends and family as you can and please send to every architect and engineer you know so they can sign our petition. Then we can force a real investigation and give the family members the justice they deserve.
Mr. Gage’s documentary ends with a quote that’s important.
“I’m a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crises. The great point is to bring them the real facts.”
— Abraham Lincoln
We live in a time where 90% of the media is owned by five corporations and the Su- preme Court has ruled in the Orwellian de- cision known as “Citizens United” that these corporations have an obligation to their stock-holders to give them the “greatest re- turn on their investment” and thus a right to penetrate the people’s elections. And so these corporations use their media compa- nies they own to manipulate us into war, if it helps their parent company yield dividends.
It’s ironic that military-grade explosives were found at Ground Zero, not investigat- ed by our government; then we enter two military-grade wars in the next two years. A
“coincidence theorist” might add it up thus: 2+2=5.
| Bob Reynolds is more than your average coincidence theorist. • the NOISE arts & news
• MARCH 2013 • 9

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