Page 36 - the NOISE March 2015
P. 36

by Annie Botticelli
for the age-old stories of authority and ego wars to go toe- to-toe once again.
March 14 — Saturn goes Retrograde in Sagittarius — During this transit, which runs through August 2, 2015, saturn will briefly return to scorpio back to 28 degrees. This is a great time to “deadhead” all aspects of your life.
Clipping away the dead parts of plants allows for the plant to have more energy for generating new blooms. similar- ly, finding these aspects of your life allows for more prolific blossoming after saturn goes direct. Tying up loose ends, finishing pending projects, and following through with previous commitments are some ways to make the most of the retrograde time.
March 16 — Uranus in Aries Square Pluto in Capri- corn — The final of seven 90° angle pair-up’s from 2012- 2015 of these powerful outer planets occurs now. A 90° angle, also called a square, is an aspect of conflict, of for- ward movement through challenge. This series of squares occurred previously between 1932 and 1934. notable events that occurred at that time include: The Great De- pression, the invention of the Atomic Bomb, and the rise of Adolph Hitler. Major transformation coming through ego and authority clashes, lessons of the proper use of power, and the ramifications that come from misuse are definitely the themes. we can see how these themes have played out in the last several years in the global arena, and in the stories of our individual experiences.
March 20 — New Moon in Pisces/Solar Eclipse/First day of Spring/Start of the Astrological New Year — A major whopper of powerful energy at this time! Fresh, vi- brant energy rushes in with endless potential. new, fresh energy and possibilities come, especially with Piscean matters including intuition, imagination, spiritual or psy- chological issues or topics, addictions, helplessness, and connectedness to all-that-is. Pisces rules the feet and the lymphatic system (also immunity and colds) so topics re- lated to these areas could be highlighted.
The days surrounding this part of this moon cycle are very ripe for major spiritual occurrences or mystical expe- riences. Also, major creative and inspirational energies are present at this time. This moon will likely be extra-emo- tional. schedule yourself light around this time in case something comes up that needs your attention.
Rest and retreat could indicate at this time. If you tend to have problems with gout or other foot or immunity is- sues, take extra care with diet, self-care and body aware- ness. Taking probiotics, and ample vitamin C, if they are not contraindicated for your circumstances, can help strengthen the immune system and set you on a solid path of healing.
This is a fantastic time to kick a bad habit or seek treat- ment for psychological issues. For depression, ADHD, dis- associative disorders, and other maladies of the psyche, look into progressive treatment such as biofeedback and hyperbaric oxygen chamber sessions. This is one of the two best times of the year to do a vision board, the other being your birthday. Launches, making public of creative projects & new beginnings are indicated strongly now.
| annie Botticelli, aka ‘the starry teller,’ – inspi- rational speaker, motivator, astrologer - Check out monthly horoscopes on her Youtube Channel.
M arch heralds the best time of 2015 to launch new things. It is one of only four months in the whole year that carries strong energy for doing so. March and April carry the strongest forward motion, with november
and December being the other open windows. every oth- er month of this year each carry many reasons to go back over things, rather than springing forward.
Of course, just as soon as something seems black and white in astrology, it quickly becomes gray. while there is much Universal movement pushing things forward, the eclipses can bring surprises and movement different than planned or expected. As always, a little bit of flexibility will go a very long way. stay open, pay attention to the signs, and be ready to adjust accordingly.
Mid-month, the end of a several-year epic battle of Ura- nus and Pluto gives even more reason to celebrate. Juicy, fresh, passionate and exciting forward movement blesses the month. supercharged inspiration spills forth from ev- erywhere. All systems go!
CheCK out the maRCh highlights:
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
March 3 — Jupiter in Leo Trine Uranus in Aries —
This is definitely prime energy for breaking out of a rut! Doing something different is more worth the risk as Ju- piter guards and rewards actions at this time. The transit occurs in the element of fire at a time when the personal planets have started to move into fellow fire element Ar- ies, all bringing more zest and excitement. Happy and lucky surprises abound with this combination. we will have one more such pair-up of these planets on June 22, and then not again until 2019.
March 5 — Full Moon in Virgo — Fullness, excess, completion, or fruition come to all matters ruled by Virgo. Health, routines, daily work/office matters, pets and other animals, analysis, criticism, service-related topics, discern- ment, perfectionism, and anything related to the diges- tion process or digestive organs, or solar plexus all have an increased chance of moving into the forefront during the days surrounding this event. emotions run high but the stress usually fades quickly.
March 10 — Mars in Aries Trine Jupiter in Leo — Luck and forward movement blend into perfect manifestation. The days surrounding this transit bring rapid fruition to things that have been pending or new showings of for- tune and benevolence.
March 11 — Mars in Aries Conjunct Uranus in Aries — Protect your head, look before you leap and play it safe
during this time period. Mishaps run rampant and tem- pers run hot, which makes this a great day to stay home with your head under the covers. If you must engage with anyone or go anywhere, surround yourself with white light and be extra aware of your environment, words, and physical body.
March 11 — Mars in Aries Square Pluto in Capricorn — ego clashes predominate during this time. Major trans-
formation is afoot. even if you are being cautious there will be loose cannons expressing without discernment so carefully mind your surroundings and guard your physical body. The square-off of Uranus and Pluto, which has been going on since 2012, has its last direct match up several days from now and this transit rolls out the welcome mat
March 2015 “Effervescence”
36 • MARCH 2015 • the NOISE arts & news •

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