Page 17 - the NOISE APril 2013
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an installation at imagiventure in sedona.
resent what the artist’s position is. The main objective of the show is that the content, in some way or another, involves guns and children or symbolically includes them.”
On May 10, at the sedona Public library, Imagiventure’s “Guns/Children,” will open to the public.
Ms. Epperson tells me about Imagiven- ture’s mission, “Our mission is to bring alter- native art to Northern Arizona. By alterna- tive art, I mean art that distances itself from market driven art. So it is art for the artists’ sake. We are non-profit, our intention is to provide a community for artists to develop art that might not have a place in a tradition- al gallery, and to give people a little more freedom to explore their creativity and have a place to show that.”
Imagiventure prompts conversation with questions such as, “What if art is tem- porary?” Ms. Epperson asks, “What if art is an installation piece? What if art is spoken word or performance that lasts for the mo- ment? What if it’s public art? There are so many opportunities for art as a part of our culture. We’re trying to open the doors to say that there’s a lot more that artists have to say, let’s give them a venue or a place to say those things without the pressure of think- ing, ‘Okay, this has to sell.’ And that’s why I started the Imagiventure Foundation.”
“’Everyone has the capacity for creativity and as children we don’t even question it, because we’re all natural artists,’ as Picasso said,” Ms. Epperson continues. “We want to
retain that, but as we get older, for whatever reason, we become more resistant to creat- ing freely from imagination. In reality, we know that all of us have particular ways that our brain operates that allows us to imag- ine. I think it’s fascinating that we have his capacity that we don’t really use to its fullest extent. That is part of the mission of Imagi- venture as well, to encourage people to use their imagination and to use their creativity to its fullest extent, as a practice of daily life.”
To receive an application to enter art for “Guns/Children,” contact Imagiventure di-
rectly. This is not a juried show; art entered will be found a place in the exhibit.
unDer the Sea
Flagstaff youth theater’s The Little Mer- maid is well underway, and soon will make a debut on the stage of Flagstaff High School.
“I cannot begin to describe how much fun it is to work with this group of people,” cast member Katie lanting tells me. “You can be age 5 to 95 to perform with FYT, so you get a lot people from different walks of life to perform with. We’re all learning from each other. FYT is a teaching theater, which means we exist in part to help people learn about how theater works and what differ- ent roles you can take in stage production beyond the obvious acting, dancing and singing. FYT is also encouraging new par- ticipants to get involved and there’s always something for everyone to do. I’m always
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