Page 13 - the NOISE May 2013
P. 13

Janapar:Love on a Bike; the Omidvar Brothers at the overland expo adventure & travel film series; Lions, Fires & Bears at the prescott film fest volunteer day; Jason & hannah of the Written Word & the Blank Page
The college of arts & letters series disappears for the summer as paul helford and paul donnelly take a break
in an undisclosed bunker, hidden under a shadow movie theatre, somewhere in the jungles of Oz. There they’ll prepare for next season’s newly titled series: “In Sup- port: Unforgettable Supporting Actors and Actresses.” With films as varied as the Marx Brother’s Night at the Opera and Milos For- man’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, we can look forward to what the series has in store as they celebrate their 10th season! They hope to really roll out the red carpet by bringing a director, someone like John Sayles, John Waters or Roger Corman, to campus with a film. That would be awe- some!
the nau international film series takes a summer hiatus as well as astrid klocke, director of the series, plans for the fall film series. The series will challenge the audience, as it always does, to look at the world in a new way. These wonderful films from the far reaches of our tiny planet in- troduce us to cultures, as yet unseen and unknown (for most of us.) We are fortunate to have the commitment of this thought- ful series to bring us international film.
the sedona international film series
continues in full force and will be the place to go this summer to find the diamonds in the rough (the good independent films amongst the Hollywood summer block- busters). My plan is to take advantage of their double features at 4pm and 7pm, Tuesdays through Fridays where often they place a unique documentary with a delightful independent feature. So enjoy a day in Sedona hiking, eating a good meal and watching intriguing film! pat sch- weiss, Director of SIFF, is a consummate curator of the independent scene. He researches films from other festivals, like
Telluride and Sundance Film, and the Mary D. Fisher Theatre is a unique venue for a community the size of Sedona and close enough that it’s worth spending the day. Go to for more information on screenings and times!
the prescott film festival, run by helen stephenson, will have its won- derful film festival July 24-31. Their Sci-fi Mini-Film Festival April 19-21 was highly successful at catching the attention of the youthful presence at Yavapai College Com- munity. May 18 is Volunteer Appreciation Day! If you’d like to sign up or have been a previous volunteer show up at Yavapai college performing arts center for a sneak peek at some festival selections as well as pizza and the feature film, Liars, Fires and Bears. Go to PrescottFilmFestival. com for exact details on time!
the Jerome indie film and music fes- tival (JIF&MF) screens independent fea- tures and short films June 13-16 2013 as a new start-up festival. In its first year, toni ross hopes to see the close artist commu- nity of Jerome come together and show Northern Arizona what a film and music fest can be. Look for more information as we get closer to their festival. They plan on turning some of their great buildings into unique film and music venues. Go to for more infor- mation!
The Overland Expo and the adventure travel film festival stops in Flagstaff May 17-19 for an international event that seeks to educate and inspire people to get out and “see” the world by bike and vehicle. What better place than Flagstaff to explore bike issues and the open road at the inter- section of Coconino National Forest and Route 66. “Get outfitted, get trained, get inspired, get going – the world is waiting.”
With classes, workshops and exhibitors, they also present a film festival of wonder- ful outdoor films from around the world. Check out: for a de- tailed list of films, times and showings!
Plan to visit the sedona film school’s (SFS) Memorial Day weekend’s short film festival at the school in Sedona. Nearly 50 films will screen over the three day week- end. All graduates of SFS class of 2013 will screen their final thesis films and partici- pate in Q&A’s following each session. It’s a great way to learn about filmmaking from up and coming writer-directors. Also, the winner of the SFS High School Film Com- petition will be screened. New alumni films will screen as well as a feature pre- sentation Saturday night. Check out the details about screenings May 24-26 at Se-
A new community based sketch com- edy web-series called Written Word & The Blank Page is looking for the creative souls in Flagstaff and Northern Arizona. People’s money, time and/or energy are all welcome and appreciated. If you’ve got a creative bone in your body join in the fun! They launched their Indiegogo campaign and are raising awareness in throughout the region (the campaign ends May 6). But if you’re an actor, comedian, spoken word performer or have a technical background using camera, lights, sound design, editing they can use your help! A great opportu- nity for students and artists of the spoken word! Search for Written Word & the Blank Page at and visit their face- book page to volunteer and support. Go Jason and Hannah!
| Bob Reynolds is not the guy who put gum under the seat. • the NOISE arts & news • MAY 2013 • 13

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