Page 15 - the NOISE May 2013
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Ferdinand by Jackie Jackson is among the artist’s
work at az handmade this first friday.
and Uncle George’s barn is now the Sedona Art Barn.” The home her father built from red rock that she grew up in is now the Apple Orchard Inn. Her Grandparents, Walter and Ruth Jordan’s home, is now the Sedona Heri- tage Museum at the Jordan Historical Park. “It’s hard for me when I go over there, it’s bit- ter sweet, it’s been a bed and breakfast for years now. Growing up in Sedona, you don’t often realize when you’re in the moment of time, how wonderful it is, you’re so busy do- ing things. The volunteers that keep it run- ning are awesome, they’re wonderful people.”
Most of her adult life has seen her as a pro- lific artist, creating her little (and big) trea- sures. Ms. Jackson will be featured this May at the arizona handmade/ fire on the mountain Gallery, 13 N. San Francisco. An artists’ reception will take place during the First Friday ArtWalk from 6PM to 9PM.
This May is the beginning of the 2013 Art- Walk season in Williams, and the Gallery in Williams, now located at 145 W. Route 66, will feature the copper relief art of Glenn hinz.
For the last 27 years, Mr. Hinz has been a full-time professional artist. An Arizona na- tive, his work shows his feelings of awe and love for the beautiful Southwest.
Copper is the medium used to create scenes that exemplify the Southwest. His pieces are made using a plethora of hammer- ing and tooling techniques, some discovered and perfected throughout his experience as an artist. Mr. Hinz works both sides of the metal, bringing to life the forms he strives to convey. Chemical oxidants color the copper, bringing the metal into beautiful relief.
The artist will be at the gallery to meet visitors and art walk goers, during the Sec-
ond Saturday ArtWalk on May 11 from 6 to 9PM. The smooth jazz of kerry-lynn moede will add to the festivities of the evening, and light refreshments will be served.
Bright colors and clear lines come to- gether in delightful ways to bring Judy feld- man’s paintings to life. Rooms full of color, animals and people, alive and vibrant make up paintings that feel good to look at.
I ask Ms. Feldman about inspiration. “I get ideas for my paintings from photos I’ve taken or from things I see in magazines, cata- logues or anything else that catches my eye,” she says. “Often, the paintings are compila- tions of many images that I use to create an imaginary scene. The painting entitled Cleo On the Deck is my interpretation of my neigh- bor’s home across the urban trail path. I’ve intensified the colors, of course, since I prefer to use strong hues.”
“In the painting Friends, I started thinking about how a dog would react if it saw itself in the mirror,” Ms. Feldman tells me about her paintings. “The interior furnishings were from different images I’ve collected over the years. Some of my paintings reflect time I’ve spent in France, first as a student, then as a traveler. Afternoon in Provence is an example of the scenes I remember when I was visiting the French countryside.”
One painting that stood out to me was of a dog seated at a coffee table, a plate of cup- cakes in front of it. Ms. Feldman elaborates about tables in her art, “Table settings also interest me because they imply social gath- erings. I like to create a scene where it would be fun to sit down and eat with friends. You can see that in The Dessert Table and Caprese al Fresco.
The paintings of Ms. Feldman are featured
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