Page 30 - the NOISE August 2014
P. 30
by Annie Botticelli “BIGGER, BRIGHTER, (mostly) BETTER”
July sent us bursting forth into the theme of expansion with Jupiter’s entrance into fellow feisty fire element of its Sagittarius’ rulership, Leo!
Leo is ruled by the Sun and its presence in our astrologi- cal picture brings brightness, lightness, warmth, vibrancy, creativity, and good times. Jupiter in Leo makes all of these qualities even bigger and brighter, and in many cases better.
We start off August with a great burst during the August 2nd Mercury/Jupiter conjunction. The aspect of ‘conjunc- tion’ is the most powerful in astrology as it culminates in its potential orb at zero degrees. Zero is the most impor- tant number as it is the only absolute number. You can’t do anything to it that makes it any different than itself, and itself represents all of infinity and the infinite nature of our being. So when planets come together in this relationship, the power of each planet — and the sign they are in — multiplies in their combined potential to infinity.
Mercury is most known for representing communication and transportation and all the modes of these experiences. When it gets together with the great expander, Jupiter, it can bring BIG news, giant leaps in communication or capacity to communicate on any and every level, and fantastic improve- ments in mobility. Since this is happening in the sign of Leo, which is known for dramatic flair, the combined experience can be grand and entertaining to the Nth degree, bringing delightful and memorable display, or just plain huge drama.
To add to this complex combo, we have this Mercury/Ju- piter conjunction squaring Mars. Mars rules our life force energy, expressed as enthusiasm and excitement, or its very different face of anger and aggression. This energy placed at a conflictive 90° angle of a square can be an op- posing force to the grand expression of the conjunction.
For many it can manifest as some authority figure step- ping in to put out the bright fire of the expanded Leo ex- pression. In some cases it may be warranted as the wild- fire potential of Leo, Mercury, and Jupiter combining can get quickly out-of-control. In other cases it can be a nay- saying, antagonistic, and unwarranted buzz-kill person or situation putting a damper on a good time or great thing.
The best practice in this situation is to manage the ex- pression yourself so someone else doesn’t have to come in and be that contrary force. Especially note speed while driving cars/boats/bikes/planes, etc. or other movement of your body, as the need for speed will be high but the negative consequence potentials are just as high due to the challenging angle.
So, in summary, have fun, but not in a way that is reck- less or inconsiderate of others or consequence.
The next wave of everything Leo comes with Venus’ en- trance into the sign on August 12th. This brings weeks of everything outlandish, on-display, extravagant and charis- matic. This is definitely not a time to stay home when invites for fun and lavishness beckon.
On August 14th, the Aries Moon trines the Leo Sun kicking everything up even more!
If you want to get yourself or your work out in the limelight, if ever there were time to do it, it would be now. August 18th continues the frenzy with Venus conjunct Jupiter in Leo. Ve- nus rules love, beauty & money so expect big, beautiful, outra- geous, when it comes to these sectors of life during this time.
The party starts to poop out towards the end of the month, so strike while the iron is hot. August 22 or 23 — when the Sun enters practical and analytical Virgo — the evaluations, or‘themorningafter’ofthemonth’spartytakesplace. See to it beforehand that when you get to this time, everything important will still be in place by making the commitment
to use the powerful energies of ‘excess’ running through the first 3⁄4 of the month wisely.
The New Moon in Virgo on August 25 will be very ‘sober- ing’ as it coincides with a Mars/Saturn conjunction in Scorpio and Neptune opposing the New Moon.
The magical window from July 15 — September 14 of di- rect personal planets is still open and using the over-the-top potentials of the Leo transits to advance anything involving leadership, acting, singing, other musical or athletic pursuits,
‘being seen’ in any way you desire for work or play, pregnan- cy, helping your own or other children, and creative projects will be much supported.
Leo also rules true love! So with all the bigness of the time, many will have big experiences of love and romance. Be cir- culating if you are single and plan hot dates with your be- loved if you are attached for optimum magnetism to these awesome potentials.
Big caution with all this extra Jupiterian expanded energy involving the sign ruling children — as if you are not trying to conceive a child, watch out! Also, manage the excessive potentials within your own children or ones you care for. This is a great time to cut sugar out of their diets as that only adds to the potentials of excess behavior.
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
July 15 thru september 14 — Big open window of direct personal planets — Great time to launch, start, sign con- tracts, and make agreements and commitments.
August 2 — Mercury/Jupiter Conjunct in Leo — A time of big news and great expansion of communication and mo- bility (watch your car/boat/bike/plane/body speed during this time as the excess can bring negative consequence due to the square of Mars in Scorpio joining the conjunction.)
August 8/9 — Full Moon in Aquarius — Explore new and different ways to create success.
August 9 — sun square saturn — Clashes with author- ity or questions from within or without about identity. Can bring exhaustion and need for extra sleep and/or nutrition.
August 12 — Venus enters Leo — Lavishness, brightness, and fun abound.
August 14 — Venus/Jupiter Conjunct in Leo — Extra or excess of everything Leo and involving love, beauty, and money.
August 22/23 — sun enters Virgo — Bringing a close to the excess of Leo party & supporting practical expressions.
August25 —newMooninVirgo—A‘sobering’time,or day of ‘reckoning’ not consistent with the usual New Moon energies due to the opposition with Neptune and simultane- ous Mars/Saturn Conjunction in Scorpio. Also, new Moon in Virgo opposing neptune — Practical details conflict with romantic ideas and plans.
August 25 — Mars Conjunct saturn in scorpio — This meeting of strong & serious can bring powerful collaboration.
Be aware with the concurrent opposition of the New Moon to Neptune that what seems too good to be true might be just that. If all the practical details have been assessed thor- oughly and care taken for these to be assured in the future, this combination of transits could bring a perfect balance of bringing dreams into tangible reality for the long haul.
| Annie Botticelli, aka ‘The Starry Teller,’ is an Inspirational Speaker, Motivator, Astrologer. Check out monthly horoscopes on her YouTube Channel.
August 2014
30 • AUGUST 2014 • the NOISE arts & news •