Page 27 - the NOISE September 2014
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has been eagerly anticipating this event. It’s a great nationally promoted event which is close by and has fine, local artists participating in the preservation of the Grand Canyon National Park art collection. It’s a worthy cause, and a chance to obtain top quality contemporary art of Grand Canyon.”
“Paint Out Week” culminates with the oppor- tunity to view, purchase and bid on works that come out of the festival. Each selected artist produces a studio painting for the event, first distributed to those attending the invitation- only Collectors’ Opening, after which the studio paintings, as well as any paintings produced during the Paint Out Week are released for sale. The show is re-hung with the remaining paint- ings and opened for sales to the public the next day, at the historic Kolb Studio at the head of Bright Angel Trail on South Rim in Grand Can- yon Village, where it will remain up through January 2015. All sales benefit the GCA and Grand Canyon National Park.
Paint Out Week kicks off with a plein air dem- onstration at El Tovar 4PM Saturday September 13 and runs through Friday September 19. For a full schedule visit
Z HOUSE GALLERY HOSTS an anniversary celebration featuring the pottery, photogra- phy, paintings, jewelry, fused glass art, bead work, tatted lace, scented soaps and candles of its co-op members. The day will include all day art activities for all ages, live music, food, a raffle, games and prizes. 11AM-7PM Saturday, September 20 at Z House Gallery & Boutique 2320 E. Route 66 in Flagstaff.
The artists of Z House Gallery, many of whom have a long history with NAU, are also featured in a special “homecoming” exhibition in the lobby of the High Country Conference Center where they will be showing a selection of their art and craft creations in a variety of mediums from watercolors to wearable jewelry and fabric art. The exhibit runs through Octo- ber 27 at High Country Conference Center, 201 W. Butler Avenue. For a complete schedule of events visit
BRANDY’S RESTAURANT hosts The Art of Nature Exhibit showcasing the fine art photography of Georgia Michalicek, paint- ings by Sandy Thybony, and encaustics by Janeece Henes. With nature as their muse, the local and regional artists create inspira- tional images of landscapes, flora, fauna, and the human form. The exhibit runs September 3 through October 12, with an artist meet & greet on Sunday September 7 from 10AM- 2PM at Brandy’s Restaurant, 1500 E. Cedar.
CANYON DANCE ACADEMY is announcing an open call for auditions for their teen dance company, Veloc- ity Dance Company, which performs monthly throughout the year. Audi- tions are open to experienced danc- ers, male and female, ages 12-18. An audition prep class will be held Thurs- day, August 21 from 7-8:30PM, and the audition is Thursday, August 28 starting at 7pm. Cost is $15/event, or $25 for both. Class & audition will be held at Canyon Dance Academy, 2812 N. Izabel Street across the street from Coconino High School. Call 774-3937 or visit
NAU THEATRE ANNOUNCES “A Season of Passion and Promise” and kicks off with a September perfor- mance by founder and artistic direc- tor of The Artist’s Path Gail Mangham in Red Hot Patriot: The Kick Ass Wit of Molly Ivins. With the theme of plays that deal with complicated relation- ships and notions of passion, prom- ises, dreams and deceit, the rest of the season will include productions Of Mice and Men (in honor of the book’s 75th Anniversary), In the Other Room (Or the Vibrator Play), Angels in Ameri- ca: Millennium Approaches, The School for Lies, and Touch. Ms. Mangham performs in Red Hot Patriot 7:30PM Friday, September 26 and Saturday, September 27 in The Studio Theatre on the campus of NAU. For tickets call 928-525-5661 or online at CTO. For a full performance schedule visit
COLLABORATIVE PUBLIC ART re- turns with the NAU Art Department’s Wall Draw 2014. Make public art and new friends in a gallery setting and explore the questions such as “what constitutes art?” and “what is graffiti?” Challenge your perception of how and why to make art and proper art gallery etiquette while visitors have the chance to draw on the wall with ink and brushes supplied by the Beas- ley Art Gallery. September 2 through September 26 in Building #37 on the NAU campus. Gallery hours are 10AM-5PM, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday with a closing reveal recep- tion from 5-7PM September 26.
FLAGSTAFF ARTS COUNCIL and Lowell Observatory announces the opening of NightVisions V Exhibi- tion featuring artwork by 10 local artists that celebrates the beauty of the night sky. The exhibit runs at the Lowell Observatory at 1400 W. Mars Hill Road from September 23-October 29, 2015 with an opening reception at the Coconino Center for the Arts on Saturday, September 20 from 6-8PM and at Lowell Observatory on Sunday September 21 from 6-8PM. Visit Low- for more information.
| Have art?
Have art? • the NOISE arts & news • SEPTEMBER 2014 • 27