Page 30 - the NOISE September 2014
P. 30
by Annie Botticelli “Crazy Sal Monella from Bensonhurst”
Why do some people get sick from eating the bad po- tato salad and some don’t?
Many years ago I was hospitalized from Salmonella poi-
soning. It was an awful experience, but one that has facili- tated great visceral understanding of critical life concepts. When hearing about the news, my father said (with his New York accent), “Oh, no. Crazy Sal Monella from Bensonhurst got you!” But why did Crazy Sal get me and not the other people who ate the same thing?
This question, as it relates to astrology, has taken my fo- cus for many years since then.
We can answer on many levels why I got sick when others didn’t but one major reason is my internal climate was con- ducive to the proliferation of the bacteria. Herein lies the most important concept to understand about astrology ... One’s internal climate shifts how one experiences the external planetary transits!
Many people ask, “When is my life going to get better?” My answer is always the same: when you make it better! It is true there are certain transits associated with more con- flict and challenges, and ones with more flow and harmony, but even still, what is inside is always reflected out, for bet- ter and for worse! When we use the reflections of the Uni- verse for authentic inner work, rather than just things to ‘get through’ or ‘look forward to,’ we become the commander of our ship, regardless of the weather.
So the way we can use the movement of the stars to em- power us is to see the challenging transits and their mani- festations in our lives as helpers in finding our weak links and then taking the actions necessary to strengthen the weak links.
As you consider and experience September’s planetary potentials and manifestations, make the decision to use the events and feelings for authentic inner and outer move- ment instead of fodder for perpetuation of old ‘stories’ and negative patterns. When you choose the events and feel- ings to perpetuate a ‘victim mentality’ then you choose to continue being a victim. Make the choice to transcend the Victim/Tyrant polarity and step into your empowered life!
Now with all of this in mind and heart, we move to the starry potentials for September, with hopes for their bring- ing the Light of Empowered Consciousness to you individu- ally and collectively into the holographic reality that is the world ...
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
The first week of the month starts out on a pretty chill note, the last, perhaps for a while as we move into Autumn eclipse time and back into Mercury retrograde (yes, again!) in October, with a menagerie of active planetary combina- tions until then and with the shadow periods of the upcom- ing October transits getting stronger every day we march through September.
September 8th — Full Moon in Pisces — An intense time of one’s worst hopes or fears seeming to manifest. Stay grounded in this time of emotional excess as best as possible. Keeping in mind the powerful Course in Miracles lesson, “I give everything all the meaning it has for me” can be a powerful anchor through this time. All strong watery energies such as the one in this transit can teach us that we can’t give our ‘Central Sun,’ our ‘Power,’ our ‘Happiness,’ our
‘Purpose.’ to someone or something else. The best and most fulfilling relationships with people, places, things, experi- ences comes from the knowing that all of our good comes
from our connection with Source, not any attachment to a particular manifestation of Source. Embrace this watery op- portunity to master the emotional domain.
September 13th — Pre-Mercury in Shadow Period Starts — The familiar ‘changes in plans,’ miscommunications, electronic uncooperation, transportation topics and issues all come to the forefront. This is a great time to hunker down and go in deep. The previous months were times to blaze out and forward and now we start the 9-week ‘back’ and ‘in’ focus. The retrograde will be in ever-deep Scorpio, focusing on intimacy, collaborations, partnerships, research, mysteries, and esoteric topics. Any focus during this time in these areas will go further and brings more rewards. Also, Moon in Taurus Trine Sun in Virgo — A gorgeous ground- ing cord for the recent emotional waves. And, Mars moves into Sagittarius — The desire for freedom of thought, speech, and physical movement spreads like wildfire. Since this coincides with the starting of the Mercury shadow pe- riod starting, make that urge for busyness be very internal and focused on learning from the past for a better future.
September 14th — Venus in Virgo Trine Pluto in Cap- ricorn — This brings a continuation of the helpful ‘ground- ing’ Earth energies. An interesting and likely hope-inspiring view of finances and/or business or romantic partners is available. This is great time for solidifying collaborations, leaving as much ‘flexibility’ as possible with the agreement as more change is coming with the upcoming eclipses.
September 21st — T-Square: Moon in Virgo, Mars in Sagitarius, Neptune in Pisces — Big dreams will be bal- anced by unavoidable rational details. By paying attention to details, even if it seems like the hardest thing to do right now, or an impediment to the ‘vision,’ a feasible creation can be manifested.
September 22nd — Fall Equinox — The daylight and nighttime is equal today. Stay present with that feeling of balance and pray for more of it to be infused into life’s ex- perience. Time to reap the harvest from the seeds sown in Spring. Also, Pluto Direct in Capricorn — The atomic force in our lives awakes from slumber and all soul-work done in the ‘background’ starts to manifest into tangible experience. What will you create or destroy with this nuclear energy?
September 24th — New Moon in Libra — Make your 10 wishes on the following topics: relationships, partnerships, clients, harmony, aesthetics, flow, balance, negotiations, co- operation, and codependency.
September 25th — Jupiter in Leo Trine Uranus in Aries — Big rewards come from greeting this time with optimism and openness. Uranus can brings strange and surprising
elements out of the comfort zone, but because of this beau- tiful angle to ‘the Great Benefic’ Jupiter, BIG things can shift for the better. Some will have windfalls of good fortune during this time. This is time when risk and an unusual ap- proach bring the best outcomes.
September 27th — Mercury moves into Scorpio — As the retrograde energies start intensifying, this day adds to the story. The depth and power of Scorpio is unmatched and when the planet of communication moves into this placement, especially in retrograde, the capacity to go deep is ever-expanded. This is a time when boredom with super- ficiality increases enough to take action. Let the action be
‘internal’ and productive.
| Annie Botticelli, aka ‘The Starry Teller,’ is an In- spirational Speaker, Motivator, Astrologer —Check out monthly horoscopes on her YouTube Channel.
September 2014
30 • SEPTEMBER 2014 • the NOISE arts & news •