Page 32 - The Noise September 2016
P. 32

I dreamed last night
by OMAr VicTOr / illUSTrATiOn by PedrO diA
calling all poets! send in your poetry for a chance to be published in the next edition!
that you drove me out into the desert and all was laughter and joy and then you kicked me out and drove away abandoning me.
I cried in my loneliness and then the desert enfolded me in its arms and wove itself around my heart like Joseph’s cloak of many colors: bat wings, bird wings, tarantula hawks saguaros, palo verdes, sand, and stone.
All the things of the Desert became the shield and sword fortress and armor. With the desert folded like a cloak around my heart, I could not be defeated in battle or by love, or by anything.
I returned to the city you came from and made war upon it. I tore it down to its foundations: and laid waste to its nightmares. and then, satisfied that all justice was served, I returned to the desert, laughing at you.
And became a legend.
— Vladimor erimou
SAlly MUrPhy
Song of a Painting
Can I make a painting sing
A song of color a design to bring
First the idea must be sought
My mind it functions all the time
Even when I drive the ideas come
Can’t wait to take the brush
Hit the canvas in a rush
Let my ideas spill across the white space Hurry, hurry the idea might not last
Forgo the dinner fast
Let the light shine on the space
I have to let my mind race
Let the light shine on the space
I have to let my mind race
Now my mind says it’s a success
Will the clients be impressed
Are the colors right
Is the designer in my sight
So I called it a day
Tomorrow they will say
So I put on my best dress
Got to impress my very best
Oh, darn it isn’t liked
It’s lost in their sight
Another painting, another song my way
It’s a bright new promising day
A song that most really say
Ho the bell and let the design and colors sing!
— dolores Ziegler
SAlly MUrPhy
calling all photographers! Send in your photos for a chance to be published in the next edition!

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