Page 42 - the NOISE October 2012
P. 42

Juniper on the Babbitt Lands by Renate Lichter is among the artist’s new pieces featured at the ACF Gallery this October.
House Gallery,” Flagstaff artist Catherine Sickafoose tells me. “It’s such a little gem that I think everyone should know about.”
“Currently, I am showing watercolors with an emphasis on Fall,” she says. “The aspens in full color, the mix of fall leaves, the orna- mental gourds and of course the Northland flowers! I’ve been working on some still life projects for a glass and crystal class I’m teach- ing at the Z House.
“I receive so many compliments about my paintings showcasing these items and re- quests to teach the same. So I’ve been put- ting some new ideas to work. I’m looking to expand my Route 66 Series which currently includes the Parks General Store, the old Fur- niture Barn and the Z House among others.”
Ms. Sickafoose tells me of other exciting things coming up in her life. “In October, I will be teaching art classes at the Leupp School for Tammy Kelly’s 4th grade class for their Arizona Symbols Project. It’s especially fun to work with young creative kids!”
The beautiful watercolors of Catherine Sickafoose will be on display at the Z House Gallery, 2320 E. Route 66, for the month of October.
“In July 2009, an old friend I’ve known since 3rd grade flew me out to lunch in Flag- staff,” Artists’ Coalition of Flagstaff member and October featured artist, Renate Lichter tells me. “I so fell in love with this charming town and the amazing landscapes, the skies and clouds in Northern Arizona. In August I returned for a week and took lots of photos and gathered up ideas and started to paint. So my passion for painting Arizona began! It’s the only subject I’ve painted since then.”
“Feelings are my fuel,” the artist explains. “I see images and things I love, especially in na- ture; I wrap myself around them and can feel them and therefore absolutely know I need to paint them! I love painting plein air, to
see the day transform a scene in front of my eyes is so magical. Time restrictions, however, make me rely on my camera to capture an image, and then interpret it and turn it into a painting.
Ms. Lichter tells me of her creative process. “I generally start with a simple sketch, I enjoy cropping my subject matter into a shape and dimension that just feels right, the sketch is then transferred to my canvas, board or paper and I begin to paint. Lately I’ve been using acrylic to lay in all the colors and basic
shapes; this is in order to speed up the paint- ing process since acrylics dry almost instantly. Once that is done, I begin painting in oils. Oils really turn me on; I love their creamy feel, their texture, their smell. My favorite time to paint is in the dead of the night, when I won’t be interrupted, when the phones are still, it is a very zen-like feeling.”
“My painting which I titled, 74 Miles to Flagstaff, was great fun to do. I was driving in from Los Angeles along Highway 40 with only 74 miles to my destination. I saw these amazing clouds touching the earth below them, the sky and the land were cut at this great diagonal and I knew that it would be wonderful to paint! So I stuck my arm out the window, going 75mph and snapped away blindly with my Canon Rebel!”
“I am presently working on several paint- ings at the same time, one is of the San Fran- cisco Peaks at Golden Hour, just as the sun has finished setting. The second is of Macy’s Coffee House sign with a little twist, and a third is a portrait of a Navajo Churro Sheep I photographed up at Hubbell Trading Post. I keep track of my paintings, by writing them in a light brown moleskin; it helps me keep track of the paintings I’ve done in the last few years, the ones I’m working on, and the ones I plan on doing.”
“When I drive towards Flagstaff and climb the Mogollon Rim, a sense of peace and ex- citement overcomes me. Northern Arizona has stolen my heart, there are so many sub- jects I want to paint in this beautiful part of
42 • OCTOBER 2012 • the NOISE arts & news magazine •

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