Page 26 - the NOISE October 2014
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26 • OCTOBER 2014 • the NOISE arts & news •
nAU’s Cline liBRARy sPeCiAl
Collections & Archives presents “Of- ferings to the Gods of Light & Shad- ow,” a multimedia exhibit chronicling the life and work of renowned Flag- staff photographer John running. Envisioned as a contextual and in- timate biographical overview of Mr. Running, the year-long exhibit will consist of physical and virtual in- stallations that include nearly 70 of Mr. Running’s framed prints, display cases featuring his journals and work methods, and a facsimile of his stu- dio. The photographs will have an in- teractive component to add breadth to the scope of Mr. Running’s 45 years as a freelance photographer.
“Our exhibit attempts to show something broader and deeper than what is possible with only the pho- tographs,” writes 2014 Reilly Intern Cynthia nofziger, the doctorate can- didate assigned to the project. “Ar- chives can provide context — back- ground, connections, relationships. And that’s what we wanted to show by bringing the journals and the pho- tographs together. To think about the whole scope of his life and work and to offer something new about his work, his life and what it means to be a photographer. I wanted to grasp the truth of this person, this photog- rapher, and try to present it honestly. I hope the exhibit does that.”
Stay tuned for a feature on Mr. Run- ning and this special exhibit in next month’s Noise. Offerings to the Gods of Light & Shadow opens to the pub- lic on Monday, October 20 and runs through September 2015 at the Cline Library, Building 28 on the NAU cam- pus and is accessible during regular library hours.
Mr. Running and his work, as well as jewelry by Shelley Claude can also be found at Aspen Avenue Gal- lery, 111 E. Aspen Avenue, Suite 3.
BRAnDy’s RestAURAnt presents “Flagstaff’s Next Generation,” repre- sented by up & coming local artists Kory Miller, Sky Black & Monica
Saaty. Mr. Miller will show his edgy, mural-graffiti style figurative paint- ings; Mr. Black, his “Just as Real” high quality giclee prints of earlier works; & photographer Ms. Saaty presents large-scale aluminum prints of scene scape images from her Southwest- ern travels. flagstaff ’s next Gen- eration opens October 14 & runs through November 17 with a meet & greet with the artists on Sunday, Oc- tober 26 from 10AM-12PM at 1500 E. Cedar Ave.
the ARtists’ CoAlition GiFts & GAlleRy features the acrylic paintings of Dolores Ziegler in a show entitled “Seasons of the As- pens.” Ms. Ziegler has been paint- ing the Aspens since relocating to Flagstaff from the east coast four years ago. Her work has since has been exhibited in numerous venues in the Flagstaff area and has won more than 200 awards in contemporary and traditional styles utilizing watercolor, acrylic, and collage media. Ms. Ziegler is also the manager of the newly re- designed and designated gallery located at 111 E. Aspen Street in Downtown Flagstaff. An opening reception for Seasons of the As- pens during First Friday ArtWalk, 6-9PM.
PAinteR sKy BlACK unveils a brand new body of work in his last Flagstaff exhibition of 2014, and quite possibly for some time to come, in the Jewel Gallery at Coconino Center for the Arts. “My Beautiful Friends” features 11 new works that continue in the vein of his natural- surrealist narrative style but clearly mark Mr. Black’s attainment of a new level of artistic mastery.
Last Kingdom, in which a lion rests languidly on the ledge of a vast canyon-land is emblematic of the exhibitions’ thematic tone. Crowned with the bejeweled branches of a Manzanita tree, he watches the East where an ominous rain cloud makes a slow approach, threatening to ex- tinguish the flames burning inside his fragile crown.
“The new work is more focused in a way,” says Mr. Black. “It’s taken on a metaphysical style — mixing animals, figures, objects and na- ture to form the stories. For this show I have found animals to be the heroes of many paintings.”
My Beautiful friends runs through October 29 in the Jewel Gallery at Coconino Center for the Arts, 2300 N. Fort Valley Road, Flag- staff. 928-779-2300. FlagArtsCoun- or
MUseUM oF noRARizonA
celebrates the Art of the Ameri-
can Cowboy with the 23rd annual “Trappings of the American West: Fine & Functional Art Exhibition & Sale” featuring work by 80 artists
from 14 Western states and Ha- waii, working in mediums includ- ing painting, bronze sculpture and photography, and functional out- fitter gear such as saddles, tooled leather, bits and spurs, boots, hats, knives, engraving, hitched horse- hair and braided rawhide. “Trap- pings” is intended to connect visi- tors to the history of the country’s rural West culture, rooted in the principles of tradition, family, in- tegrity and hard work.
“It is refreshing to know here in the West, traditions and art forms evolving from horse culture and the cattle industry are still cher- ished and nurtured,” says Dry Creek Arts Fellowship Executive Director Linda Stedman.
“The exhibition explores the rich- ness and complexity of cowboy heritage and artistic expressions,” adds MNA President Dr. robert Breunig. “It also forges a strong connection to western traditions here on the Colorado Plateau.”
October special events include “Riding the Rim: 12th Annual Cow-
boy Poetry Gathering” at 1PM Sunday, October 19 in which po- ets from around the state perform cowboy poetry, song and open range entertainment in an attempt to bring the Arizona cowboy into perspective through stereotypes, history, and the living tradition.
On October 25-26 at 1PM, Mark O’Hare & Maureen Kirk-Detberner present their documentary work on Arizona’s legendary Wilbur Cruce horse, a breed whose great beauty, athleticism and historic significance has ingratiated itself into the canon of Arizona’s West- ern Heritage. Trappings of the American West runs through De- cember 7 at Museum of northern Arizona, 3101 N. Fort Valley Road. For a complete schedule of events visit
shoWCAseD At the ARtists’ GAlleRy this month is the clas- sic and colorful pottery of natalie reed-Goehl; Muijoo Wee’s origi- nal watercolors and Chinese ink drawings on rice paper; and the ab- stracted architectural acrylic paint- ings of David Brimhall. An open- ing reception will be held during First Friday ArtWalk on October 3 from 6-9PM at 17 N. San Francisco Street.
hAlloWeen GeAR-UP at Tom- my’s runway Show in The Green room, showcasing Mr. Elias’ stock of original designer costumes to music by DJ edward Applesauce, Friday, October 3 at 6:30PM at The Green Room, 15 N. Agassiz Street.