Page 27 - the NOISE October 2014
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the seDonA ARts FestivAl celebrates its 24th anniversary with 125 juried artists from across the country, including returning favor- ites, 2013 Best of Show artist, sculptor Kim Chavez, and honorees Donna & Jeff Tousley (ceramics), Karen Clarkson (drawing), Lisa Gastelum (jewelry), ed Kolle (metal) and Jeff Davison (wood).
Rounding out the categories of fiber art, glass, mixed media, painting and photogra- phy will be artists both returning and new selected from a pool of nearly 300 applicants by a jury of Sedona artists and gallery own- ers. While the majority of artists call Arizona home, the Sedona Arts Festival also wel- comes artists from all over America. Amongst them is Lila Silveira, a second-generation Mata Ortiz artist who learned her pottery style from self-taught artist Juan Quezada, who is credited with reviving an ancient art form creating thin-walled Mata Ortiz pottery from natural materials with clays dug in the mountain & river valleys near remote villages on the high plains of Northern Mexico about 150 miles south of the Arizona border.
The Guest Gallery also welcomes newcomer Porfirio Gutiérrez from the Mexican village of Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca, the center of Zapotec culture and weaving traditions where many of the hand-loomed wool goods com- monly associated with Mexican exports are produced. Mr. Gutiérrez takes tradition to the next level by blending Zapotec-inspired pat- terns with his own eco-conscious sensibility, producing striking tapestries and weavings.
The two-day festival also offers live music, food, raffle prizes, and a KidZone for younger guests. This year, SAF has partnered with Se- dona Recycles to create make-and-take art projects crafted out of recycled materials.
Sedona Arts Festival takes place 9AM-5PM Saturday, October 11, and 9AM-4PM Sun- day, October 12 at Sedona Red Rock High School, 995 Upper Red Rock Loop Road.
ChAMBeR MUsiC seDonA cel- ebrates its 32nd season of live perfor- mances with nine concerts featuring international artists and ensembles, and 10 simulcasts of The Met: Live in HD opera live from Lincoln Center.
“The concert season includes some of the very finest ensembles and artists from the United States as well as Mexico and China, while the Met Live in HD series includes some of the most beloved operas from Italy, France, Germany and Russia. We’ve also joined hands with the Se- dona International Film Festival to present six films this season includ- ing: From Mao to Mozart, Amadeus, The Late Quartet, Brassin Off, A Great Day in Harlem, and Throw Down Your Heart. In this day and age of global challenges, we celebrate the human experience with values that have endured through time,” says CMS di- rector Bert Harclerode.
The fall concert season begins Sunday, October 19 with the Shanghai String Quartet per- forming music from China as well as music by Beethoven and Haydn, 2:30PM at St. John Vianney Church, 180 St. Vianney Lane in Sedona. For tickets and a complete schedule of performances visit ChamberMusic- or call 928-204-2415.
the BeAt Goes on the Dots at West of the Moon Gallery where artist and musician Dave rentz (aka “Dot Dave”) will be featured through- out October, presenting more of his puffy pen dot-work which trans- forms rusty cast offs into intricately patterned works of contemporary art reminiscent of African beadwork. An opening reception will be held during ArtWalk from 6-9PM Friday, October 3 at 14 N. San Francisco St.
GRAnD CAnyon GUitAR So- ciety presents American classical guitarist William Kanengiser in a performance of Shingo fuji’s Con- cierto de Los Angeles.
A guitar orchestra comprised of students from Arizona universi- ties and community colleges will perform this concerto in Flagstaff, Tempe, & Tucson during the month of October. The Flagstaff perfor- mance is Sunday, October 5 at 2:30PM at Shepherd of the Hills Church, 1601, N. San Francisco Street.
have art? • the NOISE arts & news • OCTOBER 2014 • 27

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