Page 28 - the NOISE October 2015
P. 28
October 2015 : “Love, Beauty, Money”
October 2015: Love, Beauty, Money
by Annie Botticelli
Venus continues to take center stage into October. The planet of love, beauty, and money started dominating
power-house, Pluto, who is on his absolute best behavior in
enus, the planet of love, beauty, and money, goes
this configuration. This pairing is like having your very own allocationofpossessions,money,debt,andresponsibilities
the astrological scene towards the end of June and has been retrograde around every 1.5 years. the actual
nuclear generator fueling your biggest dreams. The greatest were already agreed upon before the transit. there is a
front and center ever since. The main storyline until now retrograde period lasts around 6 weeks, and the pre and
with Annie Botticelli
Vhad brought the focus on this planet that rules relationships,
benefits come from “Earth-bound” pursuits due to the pair up strong chance of wishing you pushed for different things in being in the Earth element — practical, business-related, and the agreement and then being bound by the decisions. in
post “shadow” periods, which are before and after the
finances, and esthetics into either retrograde or in the enus continues to take center stage into october. the
service-oriented dreams get major backing during this rare
retrograde last around a month each. During the “shadow” equally as powerful shadow of that transit. As of October 9
Venus Retrograde Shadow Period ends.
planet of love, beauty, and money started dominating periods of any retrograde, the energy of the retrograde is
October 10 — Venus in Virgo Square Saturn in Sagittarius
the retrograde story ends ... and then the new story of Venus the astrological scene towards the end of June and has still present but not official, and often less strong. i liken
or out of love or business relationships (except in previous
things for the beach, tiki bar restaurants, salt air proliferate
of an incredibly thick atmosphere and its proximity to the
in the equally as powerful shadow of that transit. As of oc-
toarefuuesling dyoisuprobsaigbglesint cdoremaem. s. the greatest benefits come urge to break free, be noticed, make waves, rebel, is strong
in this ‘tween area. in the same way, during the shadow Sun) into a square, which is thought to be a challenging
tober 9 the retrograde story ends ... and then the new story
fromKe“eyarPtho-ibnot:unwdh”epnursyuoitusdeunetetrothepVaeirnupsbreitnroggirnadthee now. The influence lasts a few days but the outcomes could
periodsofplanetaryretrogrades,situationsstartbrewing. but potentially productive aspect, with Saturn. Often
of Venus aspecting almost all of the outer planets begins.
eashrtahdeolwempenritod—anpdraacltlicthale, bwuasyinthersos-urgelhatehde, taranndssitearvnidcet-hoeri- last a lifetime. Knowing this beforehand helps to bring
whispers of the things to come up in full force during the associated with “reality-checks,” Saturn is the energy of that
october 10 delivers Venus (which by the way, is the hot- retrograde start to make themselves known.
othfceotwsloeorephdlea”anoveryt-tshieattoetprhsp.isostiitme,ethise ochnaelsleenngheadn,ctinhge yoouutcro“cmriteiscaolf
aceOtyienc.”gtoYobnuetrcha1en1u’tr—gseesSuamrneatintoertLsfibavvreoaryreOcdpl.ep“aoSrlsyeienapgt oaUnllr.”aninfuysoduAecrmiseeisoen—ts
Uatsroathnmiusesotianmlewe aroyamsthabenritntihcgaslnlytbhoeriemalepbmulesninvte.ossfThoeefflerecrtmrcicoaiymtybeetsoninae,esydiotfuoar-
taapnpgriobalechfetehlaonf fi“brsutzczoings”idaenrdedrewstilel bssenbeess.t.the urge to break once the transit passes. An exception could come if the
older, wiser person or rule that usually in this type of angle
test planet temperature-wise due to the combination of During the retrograde times, it appears as if a planet is
turns out to have control or final say in something you want
an incredibly thick atmosphere and its proximity to the
back from the past. the best use of the energy is not for
muted response or more delicate approach than first consid- from a romantic partner or business to more clearly assess angle means super-human strength on every level is at
pdoicwteiornfusl.aonfgtelenwainthanpgolseitliivkegthuastow,withiththPislurtuole.rIosfedertehaemse- final decision-making but re-evaluation about all things
ered will be best.
things to be decided on later.
atnimglesmoaukregsotrhgienogussufnemcleinairnaenVdencuhsaoistimc.akminugchwimthotmhesne- ruled by Venus and also the sign it is retrograde in, Leo.
your disposal! The most active time is several days in either
October 12 — New Moon in Libra — new opportunities direction of transit. Use it wisely and benefit tremendously.
hwealpitiing taolitbtlreinlgontgher tboebsturosut’s she is what is love to you? Do you feel it for your romantic
orbeginniCngHsEiCnKthOeaUrTeaMoOfrReElaAtiUonGsUhiSpTsH. mIGaHkLeIGyoHuTrSt:ennew October 16 — Venus in Virgo Opposing Neptune in
intenraocwtinhgerwe,itho.nItoicstothbiesrtim23e, ythoeu hleaavdeinbgeelnadwya(itVienngufso)r partner? is there someone from the past you have
moon wish*e*sS,oemseptiemceisatlhleyeoffenctsthofepltaonpetiacrsy torafnrseitslatrieofnelst hips, fair- Pisces (discussed above)
tsotamrtaskteodceocmiseioonus,tloanuntochpews,itahnadgeonrjogyeofourswaanrd amuosvpeicmioeunst. unfinished business with? Are there things in your romantic
ness, cooperbaetfioreno, raanftderbthaelanctcueal. day that the transit occurs.
October 15 — Mars in Virgo Trine Pluto in Capricorn —
trTinhe, garpanodwefirnfaulleaanrgrilveews qituhicpkolysiatifvtergounstOoc, twobitherP2l5u,two.ithi
October 17 — Mars in Virgo Conjunct Jupiter in Virgo twoAaucgtiuosnt-o1r-i2en—tateSdatpuornwegroheisttedrisrelickte itnheSsceoirnpiaob—eautthifeul
or business relationship that need to be addressed? Are you osueresuthpesre-stanrgVlensuosujoringionrggweoituhsthfemGirneianteBeVneenfiucs,tihsemluackk--
— Jupiter conjunctions amplify the energies it comes into ansegvlermaleyaenasrsuwpaelkr-hwuitmhasnastutrrennginthaollntheivnegrsylsecvoerlpiisoatenyodusr
spendingenough(quality)timewithyourbeloved?Areyou binrigngweirt,hJutphietseer,“ionuttheer”mpolasnteptosw(tehrefuolnaespsefuctrtihnearsftromlogthy,ea
contact with, for better or worse. Mars rules momentum, dsisoponsaln!dththeemtaosktmacatsitvertmimoeveissoenvetoramldoatyivsaitneethiteheurndruirleyc-
general, some things to avoid are: big moves forward into cooperation of two heavy-hitters.
aspecting almost all of the outer planets begins.
October 11 — Sun in Libra Opposing Uranus in Aries
been front and center ever since. the main storyline until this to the area just over a bridge from a beach barrier island.
— Jupiter, the great expander jollies up with the power-house, spending a bundle on luxury items.
October 10 delivers Venus (which by the way, is the
— Uranus always brings the element of electricity to a
now had brought the focus on this planet that rules rela-
Pluto, who is on his absolute best behavior in this configura- some caveats include spending money on things that
it is not the island but it has a beachy feel. stores selling hottest planet temperature-wise due to the combination
situation. The Sun rules our life force energy. This combo
tionships, finances, and esthetics into either retrograde or
tion. this pairing is like having your very own nuclear genera- you know for sure are a fantastic bargain, especially if you brings a tangible feel of “buzzing” and restlessness. The
October 11 — Jupiter in Virgo Trine Pluto in Capricorn
examples listed); elective, cosmetic plastic surgery;
moving backwards in its orbit. Planets never actually go or are doing. This could also come as a “voice of reason” in
sun) into a square, which is thought to be a challenging
backwards in their orbits but historical study of the these an insistent and likely annoying way. Choosing practicality
but potentially productive aspect, with saturn. often hteimreebsrwinhgesnththeehyigsehemst gtoaignos.backwards, brings an increase
associated with “reality-checks,” saturn is the energy of inOthcteopbreorb1a6bimlitoyvoefscoerutraihnetrhoingesi.nthoefuscrtiehnecredorafmasatrwoliothgy
that older, wiser person or rule that usually in this type of ainsaolplpaobsoituiotnp,raonboatbhileitriecshaolflecnegritnaginatnygples,wofithexNpepriteunnce.s
froeffe,ebreornpoetircseodn,cmoamkeswfraovmes,threbpela,sits.sstrtoilnltghnisoiws.atihmeeinfoflru- October 12 — New Moon in Libra — New opportunities
angle turns out to have control or final say in something Naenpdtuenvenrtus.leswharetnistpiclaneentdsearveorisn, rseptirroitguraldet,opthicesy, barnindg
ence lasts a few days but the outcomes could last a lifetime. re-consideration, not decision-making. it is a fantastic time
you want or are doing. this could also come as a “voice of aadndicntciorenass.e iOnftehne panrobaanbgilleitylikoef gthoaintgwbitahcktwhaisrdrsu,ltehrinogfs
or beginnings in the area of relationships. Make your ten
reason” in an insistent and likely annoying way. choosing dcroemamintgimuep fmroamketshethpinagsts, aunndclneoatr seaneidngcthhaiontgics. cleMarulychall
New Moon wishes, especially on the topics of relationships, acretitorong. rsaidnecerethuerncotonnyeocutitohnatbleotvwinegenfetehliensge wpliathnetthseamt,tohris
practicality here brings the highest gains. minotmhenatruemasoffrorumlerMsheiprcoufrytheanpdlanVeetnaunsdtghoeinsigndainredcntaitsal
fairness, cooperation, and balance. tipmlaenisccohuapllensgceodu,ntsheelinogutcoohmeelpsosmfaocotitnhgoovnerththeeuprgaettseranre
Knowing this beforehand helps to bring thoughtfulness to to proactively spend time with your beloved and let the
october 16 moves our heroine into further drama with building but waiting a little longer to burst forth is indicated.
house they are retrograde in. when Venus goes backwards
not favored. “sleep on” any decisions at this time rather than demons that will definitely rear their ugly heads to be re-
an opposition, another challenging angle, with neptune. Now here, on October 23, the leading lady (Venus) starts
October 15 — Mars in Virgo Trine Pluto in Capricorn —
it often returns things involving love, beauty, and money
be impulsive. there may be need for action but likely a more looked at. it is also a fine time to plan some time away Two action-orientated power hitters like these in a beautiful
neptune rules artistic endeavors, spiritual topics, and ad- to come out on top with a gorgeous and auspicious trine, a
spending too much time with your beloved? How do you
conjunction. After all of the drama, going back over things, sun) as “flirting,” helping to bring the best out of the be-
forward movement, and action but also aggression and tisoangoitfttarraiunsiet.nUersgeieitswinistoelpyearnfedcbt efonremfit. tDreomneontedothuastlys.aturn
hold your space in your love or business relationships? Are challenges, and hyper-focus, of the previous four months,
hemoth’s she is interacting with. it is this time you have
anger. Look out for excess at this time and try to put the wOilcltboebemru1c6h—leVssengurusminpVyiringosaOdpgpeotshinagnNitewpatusnineisncoPrispcioe,s
there issues with healthy boundaries? what relationships
the story and month both end with the expansion of love, been waiting for to make decisions, launches, and enjoy
anxious energy into something productive.
aOndcttohboeurg1h7i—t wMillasrtsililndVeimrgaondCohnajrudnwctoJrukpaintedrfioncVuisr,gtohe—
do you most value? is the way you proportion your time in beauty, and money.
forward movement.
accordance with spending time with those you value most?
Juwpaitlekrthcoronujugnhcthioisnsiganmapglirfeyetshwe iethnethrgisiepslaitnecot meuschinbtoetcteorn. -
Gotta love a happy ending!!
the grand finale arrives quickly after on october 25,
October 23 — Venus in Virgo Trine Pluto in Capricorn
How are you with money? can you have more balance with our super-star Venus joining with the Great Benefic, in spending habits? what possessions do you most value?
tact with, for better or worse. mars rules momentum, forward (disAcusgsuesdt a1b1ov—e) Jupiter moves into Virgo — Jupiter
movement, and action but also aggression and anger. Look ends its one year circuit through the sign of Leo and now
the luck-bringer, Jupiter, in the most powerful aspect in How is your self-esteem? what is your self-esteem based ** Note that often the effects of planetary transits are felt before or
ouOtfcotroebxecre2ss5a—ttVhiesntuimseinaVnidrgtroyCtonpjutntchteJuanpxitioerusineVneirrgoy moves on to expand and bring opportunities and growth
astrology, a conjunction. After all of the drama, going
in? what ways can you heal inner issues to create lasting
in all things Virgo. A year-long chance begins for all signs
after the actual day that the transit occurs.
back over things, challenges, and hyper-focus, of the pre- self-esteem?
vious four months, the story and month both end with the
October 23 — Venus in Virgo Trine Pluto in Capricorn
Do you have creative outlets? if not, how can you add
to improve their health, diet, lifestyle, discipline, and
October 6 — Mars in Virgo Opposing Neptune in
October 25 — Mercury in Libra Opposing Uranus in
expansion of love, beauty, and money.
that element into your life? Are there things you love to do
October 25 — Venus in Virgo Conjunct Jupiter in Virgo.
Pisces — Neptune rules hidden things and Mars rules Gotta love a happy ending!!
Aries — News that brings the feeling of being jolted often And Mercury in Libra Opposing Uranus in Aries — news
but don’t make the time for? How can you do more of what action. United in a challenging angle like this, hidden
comAeusgwuhsetn1t4he—plaNnewt ofMinofonrmiantioLenom—aketshains aisnttahgeonfiirssttic that brings the feeling of being jolted often comes when the
aygoeunldoavse?come to light and with them the anger that
anogplpeotrotuthneityplianeat owfheilectroicibtya.skKeinepngerwounmdoeodn, listperleanllyd,obry planet of information makes an antagonistic angle to the
cHecK oUt More october HiGHliGHts:
hwavitinhgoubtaarentfaegeotnoinsttihceasEpaertchtst.otbhaislannecweboeugtitnhneinegxciessjosisnteadtic planet of electricity. Keep grounded, literally, by having bare
instHigoawteids ytohuermreolartitohnasthips wthitehrtehseulktidosfinthyeomu.r liTferu?swtinhgat
** Note that often the effects of planetary transits are felt
feet on the earth to balance out the excess static in your en-
before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
point to electrical trouble in homes, vehicles, devices, etc. Leo. An especially bright and fiery time that is blessed with
feweolsrk“nwoithrigchitl,d” irtepnr?obably isn’t.
Are you having enough pleasure and fun? Are you having
ergy field and pay attention to red flags that could point to
October 6 — Mars in Virgo Opposing Neptune in October 9 — Mercury goes direct in Libra — The too much pleasure and fun? How can you add more balance
potent seed-planting potential for future outcome. electrical trouble in homes, vehicles, devices, etc.
Pisces — neptune rules hidden things and mars rules planet ruling communication and transportation is back in
comApulegtuiosnt c2o9me—s in tFhuellareMaos ofnfinianncPeiss(cesspe—ciallyFu“ellanrensesd, completion comes in the areas of finances (especially “earned
to the experience of pleasure and fun in your life?
action. United in a challenging angle like this, hidden forward motion but it will take a couple of weeks for it to
inhceoamlteh”;),revtarleuaets,; mreast;erniaiglhite-tmims,eedmreoatmiosn;afil nsdelifn-sgufficlociseunrecy, and environmental projects.
Beautiful, ethereal lift-off into the mystical, other-worldly Bceoauntniefuclt,ioenthteoreaalll tlhifitn-ogffs; mintaogitchaenmd ymstiricaacl,eos.thAenr-ewsoprelcdilayllfyo-
agendas come to light and with them the anger that insti- regain full steam. The post-retrograde shadow period ends
Asking these questions and planning or taking positive
Ogcattoebdetrh2e4m. Tohrathtaistitshtehteimreesuthltaotfisthmemos.ttinrudsitciantgedhutoncbhlaest forward steps are all indicated in the retrograde time with
fcoarwnadrdawiothutphlaidnds,edneicnisfoiormnsa,tainodn.laifusnocmhest.hingfeels“not suOrcretonbder/l3e0tti—ngSugunon;ScomrppioasTsiroinefNorepsteulfneanindPoistchesrs—;
the exception of major decisions or commitments. while right,” it probably isn’t.
the transit is occurring, it is still hard to see completely
focus of holidays in the coming days. cus of holidays in the coming days.
October 27 — Full Moon in Taurus — Fullness, fruition, October 27 — Full Moon in Taurus — Fullness, fruition,
October 9 — Venus Retrograde Shadow Period ends October 9 — Mercury goes direct in Libra — the
great time to visit/do rituals with water.
the repercussions of decisions made at this time. moods,
planet ruling communication and transportation is back
views, and news may change by the day or week. so
| Annie Botticelli, aka ‘The Starry Teller,’ — Self- Annie botticelli, aka ‘the starry teller,’ — self- | ADnneiveeblopttmicenllit, Cakoac‘th,eInsstpairraytitoenllaerl,’Sp—easekelf-r, Development coach, inspirational speak-
October 10 — Venus in Virgo Square Saturn in
in forward motion but it will take a couple of weeks for it
again, evaluation is key, but not making major long-term
Sagittarius (discussed above)
to regain full steam. the post-retrograde shadow period
DevAeslotrpomloegnetr,cAouathcohr, —insCpihraetcioknoaul tsmpeoanktehlry, er, Astrologer, Author — check out monthly Astrhoolorgoescr,oApuetshorn—hecr hYeocukTuobuet mChoannthnley l.
or permanent decisions. sometimes endings
ends october 24. that is the time that is most indicated inOiticattoebdefirnd1t1he—ir coJmuplietteironidnurVinirggtohisTcryincle. tPhluistois winell- to blast forward with plans, decisions, and launches. And
already Cinapdirciacoterdna—s loJunpgitaesr,ththeebgigredaetceixsipoannsdaebrojoultlitehseuepnwdinthg,tahned
horoscopes on her youtube channel. horoscopes on her youtube channel.
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