Page 35 - the Noise October 2016
P. 35

Body’s a rose garden
Nothing to see there
Thorns and pinks and silhouettes That bare, that bare
Passageways to newer planes
To stay, to stay
Chart the water that you’ve traveled Away, Away
How do I explain to you my sadness Depth we may or may not reach How long can we hold our breaths Until we find and seek?
Not meant to be a poem
Though what in time is not
I’ll tell you every thing I’ve lost
And every thing I’ve got.
Not meant to do harm
Or leave you standing bare
What I thought I’d thought I needed Turned out to be not there.
Tell the world what’s in my head,
Or better yet my heart
When I reach the end of this
It will be just like the start.
Poquito de Humo Cuando estoy el viento Mi boca un nube Cuerpo el cielo
Todo es tierra
Y no existe el mar
A Bit of Smoke
When I am the wind
My mouth a cloud
Body is sky
Everything is land
And the sea does not exist.
We are meteoroids
Brief and beautiful streaks of light
Not stars, but cosmic dust
Burning up before we ever had a chance To reach the atmosphere.
— Samantha Weinraub
How to Create a Culture of Conformity Grease molds to ensure nothing will stick.
Combine wet ingredients, a half teaspoon vanilla- no more- beat until uniform consistency.
Sift dry ingredients, carefully, to catch impurities.
Tap filled molds, hard.
Bake until a toothpick comes out clean. Don’t worry about the imperfections now- cover with a thick layer of frosting
and they’ll never know.
— Sarah Martel
Changing Lanes North of 5th and Spring Garden.
Crash! Smash! Shatter! Clatter!
A moment’s misjudgment, on a fine bright morning, results in a sudden
and life-threatening lesson in onomatopoetics-
reminding me how much I love life and when the sound of a word is the thing it signifies.
Trust is a hard thing to come by
People go through life with friends and dates
And they begin to love one another
As people should
Humans are social beings
So it is understandable that we desire relationships Trust however is blocked by our inability to be honest in a single lifetime we gain secrets
Secrets that confirm a humans inability to be perfect Secrets that one feels the need to reject entirely
and discern as not theirs
Therefore secrets they remain
If judgment causes a humans ability to be secretive Then due to judgment we can’t trust
But why do we feel the need to judge accordingly
if judgment comes in our final days?
— Cheyanne Mumphrey
— Jen Turrell

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