Page 36 - the Noise October 2016
P. 36
This story happened a long, long time ago,
in a country far, far away... a country that no longer exists...
AWAKENINGS Based on a past life memory of Jessica Madigan
Art Scott
Part IV: Yin and Yang
illustration by Sharin Jonas
The flying lizards continued to circle overhead (omi- nously, I thought!). This person went on, placidly feeding the animals, while I struggled with my turbulent emotions.
“But what about the flying lizards?”
“I feed them, too. If they see you as a source of food, they won’t harm you.”
The flying lizards seemed to be keeping at bay. But I made sure my side arm was loose in its hol- ster. “I am Odaro. I am 11. My family owns the farm back there.”
“They call me Kit. I am 11, too.
Our farm is the next one over. The river flows right through it.”
“You say they call you Kit. Isn’t that your real name?”
“Some families don’t assign a formal name until their child achieves gender. Then, they choose an appropriate name and have a naming celebration.”
“Why do they call you Kit?”
“Because I’ve always reminded them of the kittens on our farm.” “Are you playful?”
Kit smiled.
“I have always been Odaro,” I asserted, then, “You are small,” I said bluntly. “My family says that all indications show that I will be male.”
“Yes, and I will probably be female.”
“Wonderful! Then we can mate!”
Kit fell over sideways amidst peals of musical laughter. Then, seeing my lack of comprehension, said, “But mating means responsibility!”
“Rersponsibility?” I said, blankly.
“Yes, responsibility. Children. Family. Home. Finding means to maintain all
“Oh yes. Responibility,” I said stiffly. “And what will they name you when you achieve gender?”
“I don’t know,” Kit began. But just then, a smaller lizard dove down, seeming to attack. I aimed my Raystack at it, and it burst apart, as Kit screamed, “Odaro! No!”
Kit sprang up and cried, ”Quick! Bring your mount and come close to me!”
That thought appealed to me, so I crowded my mount and myself close. Then
Kit produced a small rod, and described a giant arc around the three of us. We were protected by an energy force.
In the next instant, the air around us was black with a flock of angry flying lizards, intent on our destruction! I could see Kit’s three guardians spring into alertness, with weapons ready.
“Don’t harm them,” Kit called. “They can’t reach us!”
Then, seeing my guardian come running forward, added, ”They can’t reach us! Don’t hurt them! Come in under our energy field.”
My guardian passed effortlessly into Kit’s farm’s protective field.
“We can walk right in,” Kit said, “Our field will accept us.”
We walked in, and our two spheres merged. The flying lizards, however, were brushed off like so much unwanted dust. Some flopped on the ground, while others soared aloft.
Then I noticed Kit was crying. I was suddenly overcome with a feeling of protec- tion, which confused me even further.
“Kit! What —“
“He was my favorite,” Kit sobbed.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” I stammered, “But I thought he was attacking you.”
“Yes, I know. And that was a natural assumption. But I don’t know how long it will take for me to gain their trust again.”
I stood, not knowing what to say.
Kit broke the silence. “Would you like to come in and meet my family?”
I said,“Yes, that would be nice.” Although part of me was eager to get back home to see if there were any new developments with the wild boy.
Next: New ideas.
36 • {} OCTOBeR 2016 | the best of arizona | the Nöísẽ