Page 16 - The Noise November 2016
P. 16
An Interview with Maynard James Keenan By Beverley Napalm
Based in Jerome via Los Angeles, Puscifer is far from your average band. In addition to the musical ventures, Puscifer is also a brand, with its own clothing line, barber store, record label, record store, and even a couple of wineries (Merkin Vineyards and Caduceus Cellars, based in the Verde Valley). It’s remarkable they find time to function as a band! Puscifer is brainchild of Maynard James Keenan, also front-man with alternative metal giants Tool and A Perfect Circle, and an author in his own right (recently publishing A Perfect Union of Contrary Things, through Backbeat Books). Mr. Keenan has also appeared in the comedy Mr. Show. An incredibly productive individual, it would seem. The band was initially perceived as a vehicle for Mr. Keenan’s solo material, but in time has developed into a full-time proposition.
The music of Puscifer, whilst containing elements for which Mr. Keenan is loved and respected, is a departure into more ambient and groove orientated sounds. More electronic based than previous bands, the listener is rewarded with some subtle sonic diversions and strong spacious experimental pop. The band has a fluid approach to writing and performing, with many friendly visitors performing within the band, including well known heavy hitters such as Queens of the Stone Age, Primus, Eagles of Death Metal, Ministry and Nine Inch Nails. An integral element of the Puscifer sound is the dual lead vocals from British singer Carina Round, who provides dazzling harmony complimenting Mr. Keenan’s vocal approach. Their live performances have been likened to cabaret similar in style to that of Cirque du Soleil. Clearly Puscifer is bristling with ideas way above the ambition of many other bands. This writer managed to squeeze the following questions into Mr. Keenan’s busy schedule:
I am curious as to how you ended up in Jerome for your multiple creative endeavors?
I was brought here by Tim Alexander. He knew I disliked Los Angeles. [Tim Alexander is the drummer with Primus and Puscifer.]
To what extent do you think the Southwest has shaped — or is shaping — your musical direction? There is certainly a cinematic aspect to much of your musical output. I am thinking, for example, the space in your music, and your use of background melodic drones.
Space has always been an important part of my writing process. And of course we tend to be reporters of sorts. Almost like transit surveyors we take what we consider known points and then build on those to establish new points of reference. We observe where we think we’ve been, interpret where we are, and then make an educated guess as to where we’re heading. Observe, interpret, report.
You are bursting with complementary visual ideas. Your videos and presentation of the band is stylized, choreographed and original. It is challenging without descending into tackiness — the use of dancers and female boxers during live performances, for example. The visual is clearly important to you, how does this evolve alongside the music? Does one inspire the other, or is the idea complete at the initial conception?
The art of hiding the art is much easier to state than it is to execute. Most creative types spend a lifetime chasing this. Combining craft and
Puscifer —
Photo by Robin Laananen
technique with a little mystery and magic is always the goal. It opens doors for the inquisitive and inspires both the creator and the creative. Engaging all senses assists the observer into a whole body experience without overwhelming any one sense. At least that’s the intention.
You release your records yourself on your own Puscifer Entertainment label. How important or relevant, is it to remain independent at this point of your careers?
Puscifer will most likely never become mainstream. It would be a waste of everyone’s time to attempt to translate our ideas to a corporate suit who has none, just so we can sell more CDs. And CDs are practically extinct. We remain independent so the path is not cluttered.
You are about to head out on tour. Given your many other business and creative commitments, how easily can you prioritize time for Puscifer, the band?
It’s not easy. For us, multitasking is not so much about doing two or more activities at once as it is time management. One thing at a time with clear focus, then seamlessly switch to the next and give it your full focus. This can be achieved moment by moment provided you have a clear goal for each project.
Puscifer is about to embark on a world tour. Sadly no Arizona dates for now, though Maynard James Keenan has a speaking event in support of his new book November 25 at the Mesa Arts Center. You can peruse the many Puscifer related goodies at ... Or better still, next time you are in Jerome drop into the store at 140 Main Street.